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Old 05-10-03, 11:40 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec-2002
Location: Alabama
Age: 51
Posts: 238
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Vent/Cooling question for other rat/mouse breeders...

Looking for others opinions regarding vent/cooling of a rodent room. I have around 100 adult breeder rats, and I have no idea how many mice (not nearly as many mice as rats, thou). My question is this...

Do you think it would be better to have a window A/C unit in the room (it gets very hot in there with even the door and widow open), or would a fan mounted in the window be more benificial (as in more air exchange with the outside)?

I am not concerned with odor control (have not had a problem with that, but I clean ALOT...that is just me, thou), but I am concerned that an A/C unit might cause "stale" air in the room. Any thoughts on this.

By the way, I live in the South (Alabama), and summers get HOT here (was in the upper 80's and low 90's today!!)

Any feed back would be appreciated.

"If you look like prey, you will be eaten."...Clint Smith, Director, Thunder Ranch
"To truly rescue an animal one has to provide long-term care that guarantees the animal's security for its natural life, because rescuing is more than removing an animal from a bad situation. Rescue involves restoring and preserving the animal's dignity for its natural life without stress, and this includes conserving the species as a whole for generations to come." (Brian Werner, founder TMLF / TCWR)
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