Sick little boa
Pete and I went over to a friend's house earlier tonight, and he showed us his room-mate's new BCI. He got it from a local pet store that we had heard to be fairly respectable. I've seen this little baby boa there for many, MANY months...First saw it there AT LEAST six months ago...The owner of the store said it was several months old when she received it. Anyway, this boa was about the width of a pencil, and couldn't have been more than 18" looked like a runty hatchling...(It definatly a BCI to those of you thinking it's a spotted python or something) Apparently, the owner barely fed the little thing. When I picked it up, it was wheezing, gaping, clicking and foaming...the guy doesn't seem to think a vet trip is nessesary...I just wanted to confirm that it's NOT NORMAL for an almost year old boa to be 18"...Poor thing.
Pete and Jess share their home with -
0.1 Suriname Redtail Boa,1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas, 1.0 Ball Python, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 2.2 Bearded Dragons, 0.1 Veiled Chameleon, 0.1 Leopard Gecko, 0.1 Smooth sided toad.