Baby pueblan milk snake hasn’t eaten in almost 3 weeks !
I bought a baby apricot pueblan milk snake from snakes at sunset . I have had him nearly 3 weeks and he had never eaten. He is in a small plastic tub with 3 hides. He has cool side of 70- 75 degrees .
Warm side of 85 degrees. I have tried everything to get this little guy to take a F/T pinky .
I have scented with chicken fat, tuna, gecko,
pieces the brain contents of the pinky, left the baby snake in a deli cup overnight with the pinky . I have left him alone for a week in between each time of attempting a feed. This guy is almost 3
Weeks with no food . I am panicked and desperate.
The breeder told me to do live pinky . I don’t have access to any live pinky. Any and all suggestions welcome !!!!
afraid he is going to become weak and never eat !