Please Help! Mountain Horned Dragon Eye Problems!
I have had my mountain horned dragon, Creole, for approximately 5 months. He lives in a 29 gallon glass tank with a hammock, branches, and a water bowl. He is offered earth worms every 1-2 days and, along with having a humidifier, is misted down at least once per day. Just over a month ago I noticed a liquid filled pocket above his eye and I thought it was a piece of stuck shed. As I gave him a bath and attempted to loosen it it popped and a clear liquid came out. I was shocked, but he seemed to be in no pain and ate perfectly. Another one appeared but it was much smaller and by the next morning it was gone. A few weeks ago I noticed some white, very small, build up just underneath his eyelid. This was no hindrance to his so I assumed it was calcium and gently wiped it away with a q-tip. Soon, though it stayed the same size, appeared to be preventing him from opening his eye. After letting him sit in a bath and wiping it away with a q-tip every time it occurred his eye would always open back up. Today I found him with one eye swollen shut and the other unable to open due to this build up. Along with this his breathing is very raspy and and leaves it sitting open after making a popping noise. He is able to walk and one eye is slowly opening. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!