Bio active mealworm set up question
Is it safe to feed my Leopard Gecko feeder mealworms that have eaten leaf litter? Oven sterilized oak leaves to be exact.
I am thinking of trying to go bioactive with my mealworms (to cut back on the dust and smell from their frass/poop). I have seen dirt set ups for mealworms before. Where the worms are kept on dirt (from a reptile shop), instead of the usual grains and meals. But never a completely bioactive set up, with springtails and leaf litter.
I would still gut load the worms with fresh veggies, but they will of course also eat the leaves. Would these worms be safe for a Leopard gecko to eat?
I read from another source that oak leaf is a safe gut load for Chameleon's feeders. But I couldn't find any info if oak leaf is a safe gut load for Leopard geckos (or any other lizards for that matter).