I am not only brand new to the forum, but I have also never owned any reptiles, though I have always wanted a snake. I have 7-year-old twins who have shown interest in having a snake so I thought this was a good time to get started. The only issue standing in our way is my wife who doesn't want a snake in the house and I live by the old rule "Happy Wife...Happy Life". Even with this going against me, I am confident the twins and I can overcome this obstacle.
I have been researching the best snake to start with and after a lot of research, I have decided on a Kenyan Sand Boa. I think the fact that it won't grow excessively big will be a selling point for my wife and good for the kids. I'm sure everyone has an opinion, but I am pretty set on this decision, though I will always listen to reason.
My last decision is deciding if I want to set up a Bioactive terrarium or just a regular set up. Once I decide my goal is to have all the equipment I need in the next three months, I can then find a snake.
I look forward to being a member of this forum and learning from all of you.
I am sure I can get some great advice and really get into this new hobby with both feet!
Take Care,