Using fabric in an enclosure?
I have a large enclosure for my new Jungle Carpet python, which originally had bamboo fencing stapled onto the back and sides for the Chinese Water Dragon that used to call it home. However, the JCP quickly decided that wedging himself between the bamboo and the back wall was great fun. So I'm now looking for a new background so it's not just boring wood. I'm not crafty, so a DIY foam background isn't an option. I want something with a jungle scene, and my first thought was to design a vinyl banner (I'm in the printing world), but then I realized that vinyl may not be safe with fumes and all. Now I'm wondering about using a fabric shower curtain. I found a cute one on Amazon that's 100% polyester. Does anyone have any advice on whether that would be a safe material to hang inside a snake enclosure? Any other easy and relatively cheap ideas?