Looking to adpot a snake, which kind?
I've been looking to adpot a snake for a long time now and am a complete noob in that regard. So I'm happy to accept any kind of guidance or tipps in any matter on the subject.
I would like to adopt a easy to take care of snake due to my lack of experience, though I don't mind reading up and gaining more knowledge on the subject.
As to my specifications:
- I would like to adopt a noob-friend/easy-to-take-care-of snake.
- I have a terrarium which is 100cmW/40cmT/40cmD (3960cm³) ready.
- I don't mind spending cash on it's type or environment.
- I don't mind feeding it instects or small euthanized rodents, but I would definitely preffer to feed it chicken eggs if possible, due to the ease of acquiring them.
So based on the above, what kind of snake would you all consider/suggest for me? (Tipps and suggestions for the environment, based on the suggested snake are happily welcomed as well!)
Thank you for any tipps and the following discussions!