Hello all, there is a lot here as I am trying to be as descriptive as I can. Thank you.
I have a 2 yr ish old Tarahumara Mountain Boa, I recently brought him to a reptile swap as I knew a vet came from about 90 minutes from where I am there every 2 weeks, he had some dry skin on the top of his head that he checked out and gave him a normal checkup, everything was good. We did a fecal sample and he tested positive for pinworms, unfortunately.
He is eating, pooping, etc normally but he seems way overdue for his shed and seems to lose weight more quickly between meals than he used too. In a 4 day span he appeared to go from 772 grams to 583 grams, I was a little alarmed at first but he really didn't look or feel any smaller, wasn't acting any differently. I fed him that same day I weighed him and he ate just fine, let him digest his food for a few days and weighed him 6 days later....sure enough he is at 833 grams......so 772 grams on 12/13, 583 on 12/17, ate a 77 gram rat on 12/17 and on 12/23 he was 833 grams.
He lost a few lbs between 12/23 and when I fed him next on 12/29 where he weighed 825 grams, fed him 79 gram rat, weighed 890 on 1/2. Haven't weighed him yet today but will in a bit here.
He is in an AP T8 with a fairly constant temp of 60-70% throughout the enclosure and temps ranging from 85-90 on the warm side to 74-77 on the cool side from left to right. Aspen wood chip bedding.
I am bringing him back to the vet I saw at the swap a while back who is going to take another look at him and provide me some medication. I live in Chicago where it has been below 0 to 15F for the last 3 weeks and will be about 10F when I bring him tomorrow morning. I need to know how to transport him safely in these very cold temps. 20 minute or so drive, I know to keep car warm but what do you all use to transport your guys/gals in frigid temps?
Any advice on the pinworms would be greatly appreacited. I clean the cage very regularly, every 7-10 days as a full clean and spot clean thoroughly when I see poop/urate/urine. I'd say I'm OCD about it. Few photos of snake, enclosure and a snippet of my schedule of when I feed, how much he weighs, when he sheds, poops, etc.
EDIT: I could not upload my photos due to sizing, I will upload a OneDrive link in a minute here. Thanks again.