Viper Boa Soaking?
I may be worry warting, but I got in a captive born Viper Boa last week and she's been adjusting... but when I went to give fresh water last night I noticed she'd defecated in her bowl and was just sitting in it. Didn't bother to go hide when I opened the tub, either. I moved her and she sat on top of her leaves, still didn't bother to move until I poked her a few times out of concern.
I checked on her again this morning to find her sitting in her water once again(no poop), and she still didn't really care that I was looking at her, but was more reactive when I picked her up and slithered off to hide.
Am I just worrying too much? Given she's a hatchling and a species that isn't too well known, what strikes me as odd behavior just makes me worry. I have her on papertowels with the hot side reading 88F and 80F on the cool side. Her water is on the cool side if that makes any difference. She has dried sanitized leaves as a hide that covers all the floor space.