HELP!!! (feeding problem)
I got my ball python about maybe 3 weeks ago and I love her to death but I am not sure on her age but she is maybe a little longer then a foot long. She has eaten once before after waiting like a week and a half or something like that after getting her. And now I am trying to feed her again! But she won't bite I tried maybe half a week ago and she was sniffing it and then going away from it and now she looks at it and then goes right past it as if she doesn't even see it! I would love any advice the mouse is small and the same size as the last one she ate. I made sure it was warm and it is frozen so it won't hurt her plus be easier. I tried wiggling it and it even had some blood on it when i gave it to her (for scent). So if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear it as long as it isn't force feeding or cutting open the mouse.