Some of you are aware that I lurk on Craigslist and pick up the odd snake every now and then, 22 of the 26 I have right now, when people are either tired of their snakes, can't afford them, or supposedly don't have time to care for them any more. I'm not a rescue, I pass on a lot of snakes, but when the price is right, and the snakes are a species I don't have, then it's rather elementary what's going to happen...
Well, two more will be finding their way to my home next week, a juvenile Children's Python and a 3yr old Woma. I'm picking up three new 4'x2' BoaMaster vivs at the same time, so my new guests at "House Scuba", the Woma especially, will have new digs a day or two later (when the silicone finishes curing).
(Sellers) Pics...