Finally got this bad boy home after many days of trial-and-error trying to go over and get it! The seller was really cool and eventually just came and dropped it off for me after all the times life forced me to reschedule.
It was originally for his Green Tree Frogs but he was moving soon and was planning to build a bigger, separate place for his froggies, so he just had to get rid of this one.
Future Carpet Cage!.jpg
Future Carpet Cage! 2.jpg
An unexpected bonus was that he brought the thing here with everything still inside it. Didn't see that coming-- the picture I saw of it was bare, so I thought it was just gonna be the cage. I definitely appreciate all the extra decorative plants, logs and things!
Helps my wallet so I don't have to buy
quite as many things for this cage as I had to do for Qizil especially, and Mopani too since the stuff he came with was pretty much bare bones.
If any of you curious folks out there want some more close-ups I'll get more. But I will definitely update when this officially gets set up for my Carpet.
That likely won't be a while though, since my poor little sick man Scout is still kicking and his cage is in the place the Carpet will eventually go.
Either way I am psyched! This cage is awesome!