Woma python is corkscrewing
I had a question for anyone that has experience either with womas or any Python in general. Starting Christmas Eve day, my woma Charlotte started corkscrewing. Now I know what everyone is going to jump to; IBD. However, the symptoms don't match. Here's a brief history of Charlotte: we bought her at a trade show a little over a month ago from a vendor who we've bought 5 other boas from over the course of 6 months. Charlotte was there on every visit, and I spent time with her on a couple of these visits. So I'm confident she was healthy when I brought her home.
so the incident: about 2 weeks ago we bought a temp/humidity gauge from the store, that has a velcro adhesive component on the back. Well, day 2 of having said product, Charlotte managed to wrap her whole body over it, and remove the adhesive from the side of her tank (60 gallon glass tank). This was about 3 weeks post purchase. And then she slithered over it. The adhesive stuck to her chin. It stuck pretty good. So good in fact that we brought her back to the store to have them help get it off. With a q-tip and olive oil and some pulling, we all finally got it off. As a precaution, we removed substrate from her tank and didn't feed her for 2 weeks. Replaced forest floor with a towel. She seemed happy. Very energetic. Crazy Charlotte!
second incident: I fed her the usual size rat (small) the day before xmas eve and put the saved substrate back into tank. She ate. She was happy. Crazy but full Charlotte. The next day, we noticed corkscrewing on the head portion of her. No other symptoms. Just the head. She resolves out of it very quickly, but she can't pull herself all the way to the top of her tank since this started. Her head just droops to the side. So we removed (and tossed) her substrate thinking it absorbed some unknown poison. We've quarantined her, and we have been giving her fresh water daily. She's getting better, but not sure what happened and how to get her head motion restored.
any help or ideas on what this might be? If it's a chemical toxin, how do I determine what it was in order to avoid this in the future?