Does your BP eat like a pig too ?!?! How much is too much ?
Hello all!
Well, recently we started upping the feeds for our BP, Monty. Since we bought her, she had been eating 1 mouse/week. But we noticed that her feeding response was instant...she would sometimes strike the feeder before we had even set her down in the feedbox. And it has NEVER taken her more than 30 seconds, not even once.
She is now almost 9 months old. Over the past few weeks, we tested her appetite. She will readily eat 3 average (medium) sized mice per week, without hesitating! Just this evening, she ate 2 in one sitting, only a few minutes apart.
So I'm much is too much? Do yours have the same appetite? This is my first and only BP so I have nothing to refer to for what's "normal."
I don't have a weight, but she is close to 30" in length...I think I measured her at 28" last week. Thanks!
"Monty" the Ball Python (Python regius)
"Polunu" the Viper Boa (Candoia aspera)
"Oreo" the coastal phase Cal King (Lampropeltis getulo californiae)
So Cal, USA