Kingsnake Shaking
I have a Mexican Black Kingsnake. He's about 3.5 ft long. Good appetite, shedding etc.
Periodically I have observed an odd behavior that I have not observed in my boa or pythons.
Sometimes he's slowly moving around his home (not an issue), and his whole body will contract a bit. I don't mean recoil. But literally just contract. It's not the head shaking that has been reported in corns and kings (people speculate that's a visual compensation issue).
For lack of a better description, it's like he's having a mini-seizure sorta or shivering like a human sorta. He's not flailing around mind you. His head stays in place and he keeps moving along.
I don't know the frequency as I'm at work of course during the day. But when I have observed these body jolts/shaking, it seems to last only a few seconds, then it passes, and maybe another episode occurs for a few seconds and it's over.
During the process everything seems normal though, he keeps looking around, seems normal, even remains mobile at times when I have observed this.
I'm at a loss on this one.
ANY idea or people who have observed this would be much appreciated.
He's a beautiful animal and if there's something I can do as his owner, I would like to know as soon as possible please.