Originally Posted by chairman
BTS are really neat. I have two adult Northerns and I quite enjoy them. They're big bluffers and always put on defensive displays when I go to pull them out. They remind me of garters or hognoses. That isn't to say that they can't or won't bite, and they draw blood when they do, but they usually just get the display out of their system and let you scoop them up. I think that the best word to describe them during handling is inquisitive.
They seem to spend most of their time buried but almost always come to the front of their cages to watch me when I'm in the room. At least with mine, they don't really allow handling unless they've come out of hiding to see if you're bringing food.
On food, BTS are prone to obesity and breeders recommend feeding once a week. I feed mine a mixture of preservative-free wet dog food and greens (I spread the mixture into an ice cube tray and thaw when needed). I also give mine vegetables throughout the week, just whatever raw veggies happen to be on the menu for the people in the house.
I'd be surprised if this bluey didn't find a good home quickly.
Thanks for the info mate and we must have been lucky with all the ones we had in because they never showed any sign of aggression at all lol especially this guy his just silly tame,well up to now. And it'll take someone we know and trust to take him or he won't be going anywhere