My male and female BRB's
Hey guys. Haven't been on for ages.. I have two Brazilian Rainbow Boas that had a lot of sheds earlier this year and Im assuming it was all just growth spurts, so I decided to weigh them today and they really gotten much heavier. They about 10 months old, I probably don't feed them as much as I should but roughly every 5-7 days when they were a bit smaller and now once a week to once every two weeks a rat that of a nice size like I'll show you bellow.. They still in their +- 60 litre glass aquarium with quarter being water with a filter and a heater, and some tropical fish and the humidity 80 or above (my previous analogue hygrometer got filled with water somehow and stopped working) and water flowing beneath, through the substrate. Temperature Gets to 29°C and drops to about 25 through nighttime.
Well anyways, my male Brazilian Rainbow Boa are 174 grams and my female 203, they seem nice and fat and my female obviously be much larger and portioned fatter too then my male.
Do they sound like they on weight for their age?
And how long should they be by now with the weight in consideration? They just too damn bussssssssssy when I handle them and will measure them soon..
02. Nicaraguan bci boa. 02 Brazilian rainbow boa. 02 rock python. 01 coastal carpet python. 01 flap-neck chameleon.