So. as my obsession is growing, I'm interested in getting more hognoses and eventually breeding. (I find genetics completely fascinating, but I know I have a lot of research to do, so thats a year or so from now) So I have a very small apartment so I'm looking at space efficiency. We already have the exoterra that is medium low which is 24" x 18" x 12" for my current female. Its big for her now (she is ~61g), but it should be fine for her when she is full grown.
So I found someone getting rid of their reptile collection and I'm looking at getting two of their hognoses. They are both about 45g right now. I have been trying to find an economical way to keep them in a smaller space area. So I want something that I can stack and is easily managed.
I recently found these at the container store:
Clear Shirt & Accessory Drawer | The Container Store
Its a pull out drawer and the sides of the contain have a very very small gap that a snake cannot fit through, but its not completely sealed so it has some ventilation. I have figured out a way to keep it locked and shut. I have a divider to make two sections as well. They are stack-able.
The thing I worry about is heating. I can get tape or a heating pad, but I'm unsure is the material might be bad or melt. I'm thinking about just getting some sort of heating material today and seeing how the material does for a few days with no reptiles. If I have any that grow too large I'm planning on building a custom display case eventually. I figure I have two years before they reach that size.
Any thoughts on if this is a bad?