Re: Curious about viper venom?
Tyguy...envenomation is an amazingly variable process. Your buddy's friend may have actually only received a small dose, or a "dry bite" where no venom was injected. Snakes can "decide" ( I hate using that term, but it works for now) what kind of venom load will be delivered. It is also true that the virulence of venoms are vastly different. It would be foolish to say "hey, this bite was from one that wasn't so bad, I'll just walk it off". Jerry is correct in suggesting all bites be evaluated. There is no such thing as an "allergic reaction" to venom unless you've previously been exposed to components of the venom before and have developed antibiodies to it. Your biggest worry will be the cytotoxic compounds or the neurotoxic compounds. My best advice is don't listen to your friend.