Re: understanding genetics and morphs
I think a leucistic carpet would be awesome to try for but not at the cost of loosing an entire clutch/and or a season so just one offspring makes it to adult hood if it has ever happened. I can't find any pictures of adult leucistic carpets. The other crosses are just as gourgious. But to find a animal that's maybe 6 to 7 feet all white blue eyes would be my holy grail. Same as a albino yellow anaconda.
1.1albino 0.3 het albino/orange ghost 1.3 bumble bees. 0.1 pastave. 0.2 lessers. 1.1 pinstripe. 1.0 banana ball. 0.3 pastel. 0.2 yellow bellys. 0.1 spider het pied. 1.0 pied. 0.2 enchi het albino. 1.1 champagne.THE LIST GOES ON....