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Old 07-14-14, 05:25 PM   #1
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Help Deciding what to get next

I'm leaning towards Jungle Carpet Pythons but I'm still not convinced yet. Here are the species I am considering, any comments are welcome.

Considering but probably will pass on the following:

Unicolor Cribo: Cool snakes but after reading they make a mess, I have reservations about them.

Tricolor Hognose: Very cool looking but not sure about their personality which makes me question how long I'd stay interested in them. Does anyone know if their bites can cause swelling and stuff similar to some other rear fanged snakes?

King Rat Snake: The normal form looks pretty cool, but it seems I can only find CB albinos. Does anyone know of a breeder. The musk sounds less than pleasant, too.

Kunishar Island Rat Snake: The best of the best look pretty, but I've seen some ugly ones, too. Anyone know how heritable the color is?

Seriously Considering:

Jungle Carpet Python: I really like these guys and there are lots of breeders to pick from.

Green Tree Python: Another one I love the looks of and it seems there are some good breeders to choose from. The only downside I found is that some of the better breeders are able to get a lot of money for their animals, far more than I could spend.

Savu Python: I like these little guys but it seems there aren't too many breeders or a lot of information on how easy or not it is to successfully breed them. I see some for sale but all have been through flippers which I'd rather not deal with.
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Old 07-14-14, 06:33 PM   #2
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

How much are you willing to spend on a green tree python? As long as you aren't going for crazy designer animals you should be able to find a good breeder that sells babies to yearlings for around $300-$500 which isn't a lot for a gtp.

What kinds of snakes do you have experience with and for how long?

Carpet pythons are great and hardy animals. They don't need high humidity, display very well and most outgrow their nippy behaviour as they age(if they are nippy at all to begin with as babies).

GTP's are great as well, but they are delicate as you've probably heard. People advise against handling for the first year because of how fragile their spines are.
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Old 07-14-14, 06:52 PM   #3
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

Pretty much what Mikoh said. Maybe I'm biased though. Love carpets. go with what you know you won't regret.
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Old 07-14-14, 06:57 PM   #4
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

I agree with Mikoh- but we are a bit biased
I suppose. Carpets are great snakes and make pretty versatile pets.
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Old 07-14-14, 07:54 PM   #5
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

Before we can answer honestly, what are you looking for in a snake? Display, easy husbandry, handle able, small, large, etc?
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Old 07-14-14, 08:10 PM   #6
David VB
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

I never wanted a carpet, but at one reptile show i saw some Cheynei's which i thought were looking awesome so i bought one. It's one of my favourites now, coz he's the only one that is almost always active and he's also very docile.
GTP's are very lovely animals to look at, but they'll hang at one place almost 100% of the time.
No experience with the others you mentioned.
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Old 07-14-14, 09:13 PM   #7
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

The obvious answer is "one of each".

Seriously, just depends on what you like. I'm getting an eastern indigo (possibly next week) and I had (maybe still have) the same reservations about their mess. But, it's been a dream snake of mine since I was about 10 years old. The cribos are awesome too. Of the others you listed, I'm also interested in carpet pythons, for their alleged display-able-ness. But, I have no experience with them. Anyway, I'm no help. Just depends on what you want out of a snake and what you like aesthetically. You might like kate moss while I like selma hayek.
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Old 07-15-14, 02:35 PM   #8
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

Ooh you had to mention Selma Hayek! Back off she's mine! She just doesn't know it yet! Lol
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Old 07-15-14, 04:17 PM   #9
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Re: Help Deciding what to get next

Savu are amazing to work with. Have a proven pair i just got this winter. Plus i had another one that pass a couple months ago that was 6 years old.They are like someone crossed a Scrub with a Carpet python. My male kind of lazy in the cage, but out he like a Carpet wanting to check everything out. My female is by far the most active snake i own in and out of the cage. They are super curious want to check out everything just like my Carpets. I personally think they are amazing a under rated. They are super easy to keep. They love to burrow but love to climb to.

As for breeding unlike other python they won't breed till late in the season when it warms up. I feel that because of this people tend to give up and separate them to soon. Mine lock a couple time but not really sure yet if anything came of it. Only time will tell.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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