Originally Posted by JWFugle
so being that guy that only has one snake. how do you keep all those temps and humidies correct and maintenance all that???  some of those racks are just tubs in book shelf's no heat tape or panels it seems. not to mention several different species with different needs...
please dont take this as insult im honestly asking to know not to doubt or w.e.
cant imagine your elect bills and rat costs. 
Haha...yeah it can be a lot to take care of.
I live in South Florida so, the weather (temps/humidity) here is perfect for the snakes I keep.
My place is basically a big barn and is not climate controlled other than by the natural temps outside....which again are about the same as their natural range.
So, I really don't have to heat or cool or any of that.
The lights are for me more than my snakes (So, I can view them) and during the day, I have the door open so the get plenty of natural day light as well.
The light bill isn't that bad......about 100 a month.
Food is my biggest cost at about 300/400 every 2 - 3 months.