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Old 01-21-14, 08:07 AM   #46
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post

Pop quiz, why did this just pop into my head? (Besides being old)

"I'm on the run, I kill to eat.
I'm starving now, I'm feeling dead on my feet.
Going all the way, I'm nature's beast.
Do what I want, I'll do as I please."
Because it from a cool song?
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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Old 01-21-14, 08:24 AM   #47
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by marvelfreak View Post
Because it from a cool song?
exactly.... saw them on tour back in the 80's. incredible show.

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Old 01-21-14, 09:17 AM   #48
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Wow, I was not expecting to see that everyone names their reptiles either. Do people name their fish?
Only one of my fish has a name. He's in a tank all by himself. The fish in the big aquarium don't get names.
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Old 01-21-14, 09:26 AM   #49
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I name my reptiles only because when I'm talking to someone I find it much easier to just say it's name rather than "my little brown boa" or "female rainbow boa".
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Old 01-21-14, 09:49 AM   #50
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Wow, I was not expecting to see that everyone names their reptiles either. Do people name their fish?
I name all of my fish. lol Not for any particular reason, I just give them names that go with their colour or the type of fish they are. I give fish the same treatment as any other animal. My Betta Tai is 'hand tame' meaning that if I put my hand in the tank he will swim over and lay his body in my hand so I can transport him to a cup for tank cleaning.
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Old 01-21-14, 12:01 PM   #51
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Re: Naming your reptiles

My BRB is named "Rainman" and my Albino Honduran Milk Snake is named "Creamy". He looks just like one of those Orange Sorbet Cream sicles.
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Old 01-21-14, 12:26 PM   #52
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I find it very disturbing to sow how many people claim snakes are a part of their "family"". You guys are either over exaggerating or need some serious mental help. I have a bit of money wrapped up in my collection and I really like my snakes but there is no way I would put them on par with my family. I would gladly die for my family if I knew it would keep them safe but there is NO bloody way I would put myself in mortal danger for my snakes..... That's just asinine.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.

Last edited by infernalis; 01-21-14 at 12:33 PM..
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Old 01-21-14, 12:33 PM   #53
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
I find it very disturbing to sow how many people claim snakes are a part of their "family"". You guys are either over exaggerating or need some serious mental help. I have a bit of money wrapped up in my collection and I really like my snakes but there is no way I would put them on par with my family. I would gladly die for my family if I knew it would keep them safe but there is Bo bloody way I would put myself in mortal danger for my snakes..... That's just asinine.

That's kinda where I am. I mean, I *like* my snakes...I always have. Ever since I was a little kid...I also *like* my guitars....I always have. Well, I just sold my Gibson Les Paul, but I really really *like* my Telecaster and Taylor.....
I have a pretty good chunk of $$ wrapped up in both....but, when the zombie apocalypse comes, they are on their own. I'll likely be taking my wife and daughters with me....(most likely)
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Old 01-21-14, 12:35 PM   #54
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
I find it very disturbing to sow how many people claim snakes are a part of their "family"". You guys are either over exaggerating or need some serious mental help. I have a bit of money wrapped up in my collection and I really like my snakes but there is no way I would put them on par with my family. I would gladly die for my family if I knew it would keep them safe but there is NO bloody way I would put myself in mortal danger for my snakes..... That's just asinine.
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Old 01-21-14, 12:35 PM   #55
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
exactly.... saw them on tour back in the 80's. incredible show.

I saw Maiden on the Powerslave tour. It was truly awesome. Next time they are here I want to take my sons....if there is a next time.
I love The Prisoner and probably listen to that entire album once a month. Not big on Invaders but it is the onlyone.

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
I find it very disturbing to sow how many people claim snakes are a part of their "family"". You guys are either over exaggerating or need some serious mental help. I have a bit of money wrapped up in my collection and I really like my snakes but there is no way I would put them on par with my family. I would gladly die for my family if I knew it would keep them safe but there is Bo bloody way I would put myself in mortal danger for my snakes..... That's just asinine.
I am one who may comment that our snakes are part of the family but it is a figure of speech. If my family was starving we would eat the snakes. I think that says it all
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Old 01-21-14, 12:36 PM   #56
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Wow, I was not expecting to see that everyone names their reptiles either. Do people name their fish?
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Old 01-21-14, 12:39 PM   #57
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
I find it very disturbing to sow how many people claim snakes are a part of their "family"". You guys are either over exaggerating or need some serious mental help. I have a bit of money wrapped up in my collection and I really like my snakes but there is no way I would put them on par with my family. I would gladly die for my family if I knew it would keep them safe but there is Bo bloody way I would put myself in mortal danger for my snakes..... That's just asinine.
I don't think we're exactly equating our affection for our animals to our love of human relatives, at least I'm not. I just mean that my pets are members of my household that I love, protect, respect, and care for. Of course they don't have the same emotional value as a child, parent, sibling or spouse. I may not put myself in mortal danger for my animals but I'll do everything short of that to make sure they are as healthy and happy as they can be.
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Old 01-21-14, 12:58 PM   #58
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by EL-Ziggy View Post
I don't think we're exactly equating our affection for our animals to our love of human relatives, at least I'm not. I just mean that my pets are members of my household that I love, protect, respect, and care for. Of course they don't have the same emotional value as a child, parent, sibling or spouse. I may not put myself in mortal danger for my animals but I'll do everything short of that to make sure they are as healthy and happy as they can be.
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Old 01-21-14, 01:49 PM   #59
CK SandBoas
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
I find it very disturbing to sow how many people claim snakes are a part of their "family"". You guys are either over exaggerating or need some serious mental help. I have a bit of money wrapped up in my collection and I really like my snakes but there is no way I would put them on par with my family. I would gladly die for my family if I knew it would keep them safe but there is NO bloody way I would put myself in mortal danger for my snakes..... That's just asinine.
Well, then consider me one of those who need mental help.....I do consider my animals a part of my all my pets over my lifetime have been...... I value their lives over most people, except my family, and the few friends I have.......So if you want to say I have a few screws loose, have at it.....
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Old 01-21-14, 01:50 PM   #60
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
I find it very disturbing to sow how many people claim snakes are a part of their "family"". You guys are either over exaggerating or need some serious mental help. I have a bit of money wrapped up in my collection and I really like my snakes but there is no way I would put them on par with my family. I would gladly die for my family if I knew it would keep them safe but there is NO bloody way I would put myself in mortal danger for my snakes..... That's just asinine.
Hm, well this is just your opinion. I put my animals on the same level I would put my child.. but since I don't like kids and never plan on having any my pets ARE my kids. So it may seem stupid to you but you obviously aren't able to connect to animals in a more meaningful way and that makes me pity you.
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