First feed!
Hey guys, today was feeding day for my BRB, first time feeding him and oh was I nervous! The little hopper seemed so big compared to him, guess just the difference between my milk and her little fuzzies compared to my rainbow getting this down. But it took a little convincing for him to get it but he coiled it right up and "killed" it. He's been trying to find a way to position himself for the last 5 minutes even thought he was a carpet python and tried eating it, being up in his plant with a vertical swallow! But he's taken it into his hide, hopefully in the morning it's all gone!
0.1 Albino Tangerine Hondo (Layla)
1.0 BRB (Voodoo)
0.0.1 Jungle Carpet
0.0.1 Emerime leopard gecko ~~Kevin