Unfortunately I didn't get a video or pic. Both my hands were occupied and I was the only one home (besides the baby but he hasn't quite mastered photo taking yet

I'll take a photo of the scratches tonight. They're not bad, but if he would have actually dug his nails in it would have hurt alot more. I was a bit nervous as I didn't have my usual over mitts on, but he was very well behaved and even let me lower him down into his enclosure afterwards and calmly walked off my arm.
I'm going to make a point to try interacting with him at least a few times a week if he wants to. I'd like to get him into the vet next year, so would like him to become a bit more comfortable with handling.
I'll leave the camera by the enclosure so I can hopefully get a pic next time

. I'll try to get an up to date length measurement and maybe pick up a scale in the next few weeks.