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Old 10-13-13, 05:49 PM   #1
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Green Urates?

So I've been off this forum for about a year now. I've been wanting to get back on here and I figure this is a good reason too! I was spot cleaning my dumerils boa today and found what looks to be green urates. I found them along with white urates as well. I've never seen this so I have no idea if its normal or not. I've never had any health problems with her and she eats like a champ. I recently moved her into a 30 qt bin which is a little small but not to small to be detrimental to her health. We are moving over the next few weeks and I moved her into the rack so the house would show better (real estate agent's idea). Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated!
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Old 10-14-13, 05:22 AM   #2
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Re: Green Urates?

Think someone had a boa that had kidney problems and was passing green urates?? Dont quote me on it tho
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Old 10-14-13, 11:03 AM   #3
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Green Urates?

It was Kevin but he is no longer on here.
Is this the first time this has happened?
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Old 10-15-13, 06:33 PM   #4
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Re: Green Urates?

Ya it's the first time.
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Old 10-16-13, 02:20 AM   #5
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Re: Green Urates?

You should take a sample to the vet for sure. safest thing to do...
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Old 10-16-13, 04:23 AM   #6
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Green Urates?

I would see what the next one looks like. If it is green , I would also think it's vet time. I would take both the snake and a sample if you choose tongo. One weird BM can happen. 2 or 3 with a change in interval out of the norm is cause for concerns.
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Old 10-16-13, 09:33 PM   #7
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Re: Green Urates?

I was thinking the same thing. I have to go to the vet tomorrow anyway so I'll bring it in and see what he thinks. Hopefully its not a problem!
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Old 10-16-13, 09:37 PM   #8
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Re: Green Urates?

I hope it's not also! Any other odd discoveries or odd behavior, etc?
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Old 10-16-13, 09:45 PM   #9
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Re: Green Urates?

Nothing at all! She still eats like a champ and is behaving normally. The only unusual thing is her being in a rack but she seems comfortable in it and is acting the same as always. She likes to burrow with her head sticking out. She'll be back into her enclosure in two weeks. I'll let you guys know what the vet says tomorrow.
1.1 Nuclear KSB, 1.1 Chocolate KSB, 1.1 Anery KSB, 1.1 Albino KSB, 1.1 Snow KSB, 0.0.1 Caramel Ghost Corn Snake, 0.1 Dumerils Boa, 1.0 Greek Tortoise, 0.1 Texas Spiny Lizard, 0.1 Leucistic Axolotl
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Old 10-16-13, 10:01 PM   #10
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Re: Green Urates?

Update us ASAP.
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Old 10-18-13, 02:11 PM   #11
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Re: Green Urates?

I had a snake drop similar urates about a year, year and half ago. It freaked me out too, and off to the vet we went. They could detect nothing wrong (other than he was on the thin side; he'd been on a hunger strike too), but requested a followup stool sample. So, of course, he took that as a challenge, and refused to go when I was home. When he did go, it was while I was away, and always in some place that was either hidden (under the newspaper, where I'd find it a week later) or fouling (like the middle of the water bowl 12 hours before I could check). All this time later, he is fine, has gained several hundred grams of weight, and even sired a little of 22 babies this past season. So...take it seriously, but not *too* seriously. Good luck!
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Old 10-19-13, 08:17 AM   #12
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Re: Green Urates?

Thanks! I'm going to show the vet the same picture posted above and see what he thinks. Like I said earlier though she still eats like a champ and is healthy.
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Old 10-29-13, 10:15 PM   #13
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Re: Green Urates?

Just to update everyone: She's going to the vet Friday. Her urates are no where near as bad now but still showing hints of green. I'm trying to get a sample but still haven't gotten anything fresh enough, she likes to bury them! She's still just as healthy as ever and eating well. I'll let you guys know how things go!
1.1 Nuclear KSB, 1.1 Chocolate KSB, 1.1 Anery KSB, 1.1 Albino KSB, 1.1 Snow KSB, 0.0.1 Caramel Ghost Corn Snake, 0.1 Dumerils Boa, 1.0 Greek Tortoise, 0.1 Texas Spiny Lizard, 0.1 Leucistic Axolotl
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Old 10-31-13, 01:53 PM   #14
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Re: Green Urates?

Please do, and good luck!
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Old 11-05-13, 06:00 PM   #15
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Re: Green Urates?

Okay so here's the news. She went to the vet yesterday and he found nothing wrong with her, says she is in great health...and super friendly I still need to get a sample from her so hopefully I can get that ASAP. Other than that everything is good. She is out of the rack and back in her enclosure and eating fine. I'll post the test results when I get them!
1.1 Nuclear KSB, 1.1 Chocolate KSB, 1.1 Anery KSB, 1.1 Albino KSB, 1.1 Snow KSB, 0.0.1 Caramel Ghost Corn Snake, 0.1 Dumerils Boa, 1.0 Greek Tortoise, 0.1 Texas Spiny Lizard, 0.1 Leucistic Axolotl
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