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Old 08-16-13, 09:26 AM   #16
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by B_Aller View Post
Yes, and there have been studies done on the effects of day/night cycles on monitors in captivity, some of these studies and accidental tests are what lead to the modern husbandry practice of offering 24/7 heating light.
There have also been studies done specific to the paretrial (sp?) eye and it's effect on behavior and it's chemical processes with the brain.
i'm intrigued as to the results and observations which led to the idea that 24/7 was more beneficial than a natural cycle, have u got links/refs or know who carried out the study so i can find it myself?
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Old 08-16-13, 10:13 AM   #17
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by formica View Post
i'm intrigued as to the results and observations which led to the idea that 24/7 was more beneficial than a natural cycle, have u got links/refs or know who carried out the study so i can find it myself?
As I said before, do the work buddy, if you're going to disrespect everyone with experience and post topics such as this without even bothering to do the most basic research, why should I hand it to you on a platter?
All the studies I mentioned are easy to find, try starting off with the big names in monitor research and read the bibliography's, then track down that info and digest, rinse lather, repeat.
Start with Auffenberg, bengalensis is the most "generic" species he studied, read the book, check out the biblio, go from there.
Or just give me a bunch more crap and see if that makes me want to help you, choice is yours.
"It is impossible to recreate nature in whole by recreating it in part" -H. Hediger
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Old 08-16-13, 10:18 AM   #18
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by B_Aller View Post
As I said before, do the work buddy, if you're going to disrespect everyone with experience and post topics such as this without even bothering to do the most basic research, why should I hand it to you on a platter?
All the studies I mentioned are easy to find, try starting off with the big names in monitor research and read the bibliography's, then track down that info and digest, rinse lather, repeat.
Start with Auffenberg, bengalensis is the most "generic" species he studied, read the book, check out the biblio, go from there.
Or just give me a bunch more crap and see if that makes me want to help you, choice is yours.
I think this response is counter productive to this forum
It doesn't hurt anyone to give out as much info as we can in the forum does it? I'm here to learn and this forum is a great resource, why bother having a forum if the answer is "go do your own research" double
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Old 08-16-13, 10:24 AM   #19
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
I think this response is counter productive to this forum
It doesn't hurt anyone to give out as much info as we can in the forum does it? I'm here to learn and this forum is a great resource, why bother having a forum if the answer is "go do your own research" double
I actually think his answer was awesome and spot on.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 08-16-13, 10:30 AM   #20
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
I think this response is counter productive to this forum
It doesn't hurt anyone to give out as much info as we can in the forum does it? I'm here to learn and this forum is a great resource, why bother having a forum if the answer is "go do your own research" double
So it's not productive to try and give someone information on where to look unless you spell it all out for them? I did just give a short cut to finding this info, how do you think I got it? I'm tired of people like the op making wild baseless statements without bothering to do even the easiest most basic research.
I've spent years trying to give out and teach this info to peole just like this poster, guess what happens, they don't bother reading or learning just trying to find someway to make the info fit their pre-concieved ideas and use it to argue. The few serious people who will bother to find the info and digest it are the ones worth helping, the others are a waste. Try banging your head against a wall for 20 years and see how you feel?
How hard is it to read a biblio and track down the info? this day and age? It's all right there at your fingertips, how much more help do you need?
"It is impossible to recreate nature in whole by recreating it in part" -H. Hediger
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Old 08-16-13, 10:43 AM   #21
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

my ignore list grows every day.
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Old 08-16-13, 11:12 AM   #22
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

See what I mean Nepoez? You have to find some way of culling the herd otherwise you waste a lot of time. Some people are passionate and excited to learn and share, others want to know it all and fight it out. For me I'd like to help progress this hobby and have invested years and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning about these animals and helping to spread info. I came to this site because I was asked to write articles for some herp magazines and wanted to see where the state of husbandry is in the private sector and how I could find the best language to help spread info. This type of poster is a distraction to the learning process in my opinion, and I knew if I made him jump through even the easiest non- flaming hoop it would end poorly, too bad I was right.
I am interested in sharing info and helping people, just not in wasting a bunch of time. Like the saying goes...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
"It is impossible to recreate nature in whole by recreating it in part" -H. Hediger
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Old 08-16-13, 11:22 AM   #23
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
I think this response is counter productive to this forum
It doesn't hurt anyone to give out as much info as we can in the forum does it? I'm here to learn and this forum is a great resource, why bother having a forum if the answer is "go do your own research" double

Hi, maybe you need to check "Formica`s" response to members asking him to provide some evidence of his assertions ("go look for yourselves)"!
If that individual keeps putting the more experienced and knowledgeable members on his ignore list how do you suppose his monitor will cope even short, let alone long term?
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Old 08-16-13, 11:30 AM   #24
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

if you dont have anything to add to this discussion, then (go away and stop wasting space on this thread).
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Old 08-16-13, 11:36 AM   #25
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by formica View Post
my ignore list grows every day.
You ignore the people who can help you help your animal, that makes sense to me, sport.....
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Old 08-16-13, 11:47 AM   #26
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by formica View Post
if you dont have anything to add to this discussion, then (go away and stop wasting space on this thread).
If that was in response to my post, quoting it would be better (clearer as to who you`re addressing)?
I`ve asked you a number of reasonable questions and you`ve responded by either ignoring them or calling me arrogant and patronising if you do respond. I`ve offered a number of answers, almost all have been ignored. Your loss, and more to the point, the animal`s.....
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Old 08-16-13, 11:53 AM   #27
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by formica View Post
if you dont have anything to add to this discussion, then (go away and stop wasting space on this thread).
Once you start a thread, it becomes public and anyone has the right to post here. Not taking sides, just putting it out there.
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Old 08-16-13, 11:53 AM   #28
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

i'm not interesting in discussing things with people who feel the need to wave their genitals about, simply because they dont like being questioned. nor do I like discussing things with people who are only interested in launching personal attacks rather than contributing to the thread, bored of you too. another notch on my ignore list
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Old 08-16-13, 11:58 AM   #29
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by murrindindi View Post
I`ve asked you a number of reasonable questions and you`ve responded by either ignoring them or calling me arrogant and patronising if you do respond. I`ve offered a number of answers, almost all have been ignored. Your loss, and more to the point, the animal`s.....
For Neopez: this is another great example of why progress is so slow in this hobby, here we have an experienced keeper (Murrindindi, Steffan) really trying his best to share his experience and knowledge (and from what I've seen in a much more patient style than me!) being told to "shut up" by a guy with no experience and no success, how does that progress the hobby or help spread good info? questioning the status quo is great, but until you have a basic understanding of the captive care of these animals, it's damaging to make assumptions and conclusions based on little to no evidence or experience.
You will see people like Steffan and I disagree on some aspects of husbandry but we can discuss our points and even agree to disagree because we both have a solid grasp of the basics. Formica does not and is just arguing to argue, exactly why I won't hand him anything on a silver platter.
Experienced keepers know that you don't have to agree to get along.
Varied viewpoints are welcomed, as long as they are backed with experience or knowledge.
"It is impossible to recreate nature in whole by recreating it in part" -H. Hediger
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Old 08-16-13, 12:08 PM   #30
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Re: How sure are we that Savs are Diurnal?

Originally Posted by formica View Post
i'm not interesting in discussing things with people who feel the need to wave their genitals about, simply because they dont like being questioned. nor do I like discussing things with people who are only interested in launching personal attacks rather than contributing to the thread, bored of you too. another notch on my ignore list
Where is all this coming from? There is so much hypocrisy and irony in this post. Just look at the discussion in the other thread about savannah monitors and you did everything you are complaining about in this post.
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