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Old 08-12-13, 02:15 AM   #16
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Re: UV question

10.0 toothless

your basking area, or the lights, should be adjustable, so that you can maintain the correct tempreture on the surface - then use the recomended specs that come with the UV light to positition the UV light

Originally Posted by murrindindi View Post
Hi again, can you please give details of the ages the different species reach in the wild so we can try and get a few comparisons?
In your experience, how old were "they" at death in captivity when fully supported (even without UVB, which you say is essential)?
I suspect that most monitors in the wild do NOT live to any great age (for a number of reasons).
15 years in captivity is considered old, 40 year old specimens found in the wild. do your own research, its all there to be found.

Of course most monitors do not live to a great age, this is true for all animals, including humans, most die far younger than their potential, and why is that? bad diet, lack of exercise, various cancer causing habits, changes in habitat and habits...etc
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Old 08-12-13, 03:38 AM   #17
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Re: UV question

Thanks a bunch!
The fluorescent lights are on a chain, and the basking bulbs are adjustable, but if I lower the tube light fixture any farther, it will be too close to the top shelf, hence why I want to build up the second shelf to get closer to the lights .
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Old 08-12-13, 03:57 AM   #18
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by Toothless View Post
Thanks a bunch!
The fluorescent lights are on a chain, and the basking bulbs are adjustable, but if I lower the tube light fixture any farther, it will be too close to the top shelf, hence why I want to build up the second shelf to get closer to the lights .
your monitor is unlikley to bask under the UV specifically, but that doesnt mean he wont use the shelf as a place to chill, nothing wrong with shelves, allot of people use them, and they are a great way to add floor space to an enclosure

my only concern would be access to the tube, monitors are powerful, you dont want him to try climbing onto it and shattering the tube, they are full of nasty things like Mercury which will kill your monitor. This is why I have my lamps, including the UV, in one bank, it all hangs from a chain, so if he touches it, the whole thing will swing and he'll fall, rather than being able to get any kind of grip - cages around the bulbs/tubes make the situation worse because that gives them something to grip onto and climb
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Old 08-16-13, 05:09 PM   #19
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by formica View Post
your monitor is unlikley to bask under the UV specifically, but that doesnt mean he wont use the shelf as a place to chill, nothing wrong with shelves, allot of people use them, and they are a great way to add floor space to an enclosure

my only concern would be access to the tube, monitors are powerful, you dont want him to try climbing onto it and shattering the tube, they are full of nasty things like Mercury which will kill your monitor. This is why I have my lamps, including the UV, in one bank, it all hangs from a chain, so if he touches it, the whole thing will swing and he'll fall, rather than being able to get any kind of grip - cages around the bulbs/tubes make the situation worse because that gives them something to grip onto and climb
The tube fixture is on a chain, so will swing if he bats at it, but he is smart enough to leave them alone. The basking lights are within his reach, but he won't go near them unless they are off- seems to know that they are safe to touch when off though. I'll make sure to remember this though when adding the other levels and I admit its something I didn't even think about. I'm not worried about him getting burns, but I don't want the tubes smashing. Its possible that he will try to play with the lights after I turn them off (a slim possibility, but I don't want to chance it).
Thanks for the help everyone. Sorry for the late reply but I've been pretty busy lately and forgot about this thread.
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Old 08-16-13, 07:26 PM   #20
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Re: UV question

Mine play tetherball with their lights.... go figure.
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Old 08-17-13, 01:05 AM   #21
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
Mine play tetherball with their lights.... go figure.
How old are your ones now Wayne? I've watched most of your videos and they are some beautiful! (The one where you got bit was priceless- not looking forward to when it happens to me though but hope I catch it on camera as well).
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Old 08-18-13, 10:01 AM   #22
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Re: UV question

Just one more successful keeper adding to the pile of "UV is not necessary for varanids"
Tried all of the brands and types of bulb out there, never seen a benefit over proper husbandry, never had anyone anywhere show me actual benefits from them. Your money, time and effort are better spent improving overall husbandry.
Just my 2 cents.
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Old 08-18-13, 10:14 AM   #23
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by B_Aller View Post
Just one more successful keeper adding to the pile of "UV is not necessary for varanids"
Tried all of the brands and types of bulb out there, never seen a benefit over proper husbandry, never had anyone anywhere show me actual benefits from them. Your money, time and effort are better spent improving overall husbandry.
Just my 2 cents.
I agree that the many keepers who have successfully raised and bred varanids shows that UVB is not essential, and I certainly have not seen any negative impacts from him not having access to UV lightins in the past year and a half, but figured why not... . It certainly can't hurt and it makes me feel like I'm doing the best I can for him.
If you have any suggestions on other ways I may be able to improve his husbandry I'm all ears .
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Old 08-18-13, 11:53 AM   #24
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by Toothless View Post
How old are your ones now Wayne?.
Fed Ex delivered them as babies on 03/13-2012

Thanks for the compliments.. appreciated.
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Old 08-19-13, 12:09 PM   #25
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
Fed Ex delivered them as babies on 03/13-2012

Thanks for the compliments.. appreciated.

Hi Wayne, have you managed to measure them lately? I ask because you mentioned a few weeks ago that they were smaller than the average captive (they don`t seem "small" in the latest videos), though I know one was significantly larger than the other for a time, at least.
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Old 08-19-13, 12:24 PM   #26
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Re: UV question

They evened out now... growth has slowed, but oddly appetite has not.

close to the 30 inch mark now. They easily put down 3 chicks each (chicken hatchlings) in one feeding and look for more

I think you are correct about the size thing, the slender girth makes the whole animal appear smaller.
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Old 08-19-13, 01:04 PM   #27
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
They evened out now... growth has slowed, but oddly appetite has not.

close to the 30 inch mark now. They easily put down 3 chicks each (chicken hatchlings) in one feeding and look for more

I think you are correct about the size thing, the slender girth makes the whole animal appear smaller.
How much do you feed your guys per week? Ours are about the same age but it appears as though you may be feeding much more than I do- mine gets approx 2 chicks, 2 gerbils, and 50-100 roaches a week to maintain in good shape. It'd be nice to know if my guy's appetite is similar to yours as you have some very healthy looking savs- wish my guy looked as good as yours (he has lots of muscles, but not alot of belly tone).
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Old 08-19-13, 03:13 PM   #28
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by Toothless View Post
How much do you feed your guys per week? Ours are about the same age but it appears as though you may be feeding much more than I do- mine gets approx 2 chicks, 2 gerbils, and 50-100 roaches a week to maintain in good shape. It'd be nice to know if my guy's appetite is similar to yours as you have some very healthy looking savs- wish my guy looked as good as yours (he has lots of muscles, but not alot of belly tone).

Hi, I think you mentioned your monitor is around 18 months old, what`s the SV or ToL just now?
In the pics you showed recently the animal is in nice condition, this species is relatively`stockily" built (having a tail around the same length as the SV adds to that appearance), they are NOT very slender as some other species are, at least once they reach maturity, which I would think he has. "Stocky" does not mean overweight.
What size are the gerbils?
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Old 08-19-13, 03:23 PM   #29
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
They evened out now... growth has slowed, but oddly appetite has not.

close to the 30 inch mark now. They easily put down 3 chicks each (chicken hatchlings) in one feeding and look for more

I think you are correct about the size thing, the slender girth makes the whole animal appear smaller.
Thanks Wayne, their growth should pick up again, they seem to grow in spurts. It`s good to hear the smaller one has caught up, they look bigger than 30inches in the videos (obviously you`re there with them, I`m not)!?
I use chicks as a "filler" more than anything, not to suggest they aren`t nutritious (obviously mine takes slightly bigger prey).
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Old 08-19-13, 03:34 PM   #30
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Re: UV question

Originally Posted by murrindindi View Post
Thanks Wayne, their growth should pick up again, they seem to grow in spurts. It`s good to hear the smaller one has caught up, they look bigger than 30inches in the videos (obviously you`re there with them, I`m not)!?
I use chicks as a "filler" more than anything, not to suggest they aren`t nutritious (obviously mine takes slightly bigger prey).
You may be right, I really need to pin one down and measure it, surely a food offer afterward will bribe him to not retaliate.

They still sort of give each other little nips and nudges, but the back riding has either slowed or is happening when I am not looking.
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