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Old 03-07-03, 04:12 PM   #1
Stalabros's Avatar
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Exclamation Need Help Please!

I have a CalKing, for about a year now, I recently changed her to a larger tank and new substrate (coconut husk), I've noticed that her behaviour has changed over the last few days (she's been in the new tank for a few months now). Anyway, she seems like she is sneezing, I have heard this a few times while I had her in my hands, and she is also kind of bobbing her head back and forth. She has also developed something on her belly as shown on the picture below, her tank is kept clean and dry, although she has access to a large water tub in her tank. If anyone has any idea what her troubles are, can you please help me out. Thanks in advance, also, it may be necessary to take her to the vet, so if anyone has any suggestions for a good herp vet, please leave their number if possible.


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Old 03-07-03, 06:10 PM   #2
LdyDrgn's Avatar
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From what I can see, it looks like a thermal burn. She may have burrowed under the substrate and down to the heat pad. I would say to remove the substrate, put down some newspaper and put neosporin on her belly once or twice a day until her next shed. Keep her cage very clean during this time.

I stopped using 'Bed-a-Beast', et al, because it was getting into the snake's mouth, pits, nostrils.... not a good thing. If you really want to use a substrate that is natural and holds humidity well, go with cypress or eucalyptus mulch.

Good luck with her.
Just keep walking and ignore the monkeys...

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Old 03-07-03, 06:33 PM   #3
Stalabros's Avatar
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Thanks, I do not use a heat pad, overhead heating only, but i will stop using the substrate, that is what I think is happening.

Thanks for the help.

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