Originally Posted by Lankyrob
Why bathe a snake before finding out if the shed is going to be ok anyway? If the husbandry is right there is no need to bath a snake as a matter of course. Just let nature do its business snd leave the snake alone
And should you need to bathe the snake due to bad shed an hour is too long and never leave the snake unsupervised
I think you are confusing my use of the word "tub" I mean an actual plastic tub with a lid, not a bathtub.
I would never leave a snake unsupervised in the bathtub or any place that wasn't escape-proof.
What's your source about the hour thing? I've been told more than once up to an hour soak in this type of bath?
...and Erik, Rob's right, you only need to bathe if your snake is having trouble or humidity is too low. I often bathe my Rosy Boa during shed because I always keep his humidity low, and I don't like misting his enclosure because of his low-humidity needs.
I was thinking of him and not my BP when I posted originally. My bad!