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Old 06-14-13, 01:37 AM   #76
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Originally Posted by ErikBush97 View Post
Even if the snake is asleep during the day, he will benefit from vitamin D and UV rays. Give ANY animal some extra vitamin D and it'll improve their health.
Thanks i was just wondering
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Old 06-14-13, 01:45 AM   #77
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Originally Posted by brandonh View Post
Thanks i was just wondering
No problem, man
Again... You don't necessarily NEED a UVB, but it's good for them and for their bones. (UVB's also help prevent some bone diseases)
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Old 06-14-13, 02:03 AM   #78
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Your Royal does not need a uvb light. Here is why.
Your snakes behavior is way more active than it will be a year from now. They are much more likely to have daytime activity when young. Royals eventualy (always at least one exception but the other 99%) become little hermits. They sit inside their hide and sleep all day but after dark they will come out and tour around a bit. So if the snake is inside the hide and does not come out while the uvb is on how can it help ? Other snakes might benefit from uvb ,but not royals. Sorry
Now if you think its good to have the light on during the early behavior then sure it might help and for sure isn't harmful so why not.
But I have heard those bulbs are to intense and can harm your herps eyes. (I did not read all of the last page so if someone wrote that alreadyI am sorry )
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Old 06-14-13, 02:37 AM   #79
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

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Old 06-14-13, 03:14 AM   #80
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
Your Royal does not need a uvb light. Here is why.
Your snakes behavior is way more active than it will be a year from now. They are much more likely to have daytime activity when young. Royals eventualy (always at least one exception but the other 99%) become little hermits. They sit inside their hide and sleep all day but after dark they will come out and tour around a bit. So if the snake is inside the hide and does not come out while the uvb is on how can it help ? Other snakes might benefit from uvb ,but not royals. Sorry
Now if you think its good to have the light on during the early behavior then sure it might help and for sure isn't harmful so why not.
But I have heard those bulbs are to intense and can harm your herps eyes. (I did not read all of the last page so if someone wrote that alreadyI am sorry )
I wouldn't want to harm my Ball's eyes.. Would you recommend ditching the light or waiting until it stops producing Vitamin D (In about 2 and a half months).
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Old 06-14-13, 04:14 AM   #81
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

The light is not producing any vitamins. The light assists in metabolism of vitamins, in reptiles that need it.

Recent studies have shown that python regius has eyes very sensitive to UV light, they can see the urine trail of rodents, WE on the other hand need a black light to see a urine trail.

A lot of activity from your snake during the day could also very well be an indicator that the snake is unable to find a "sweet spot" inside your enclosure, meaning that if the entire cage is an unsuitable environment, the snake will appear "active" when really it's desperately seeking an area to be comfortable.
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Old 06-14-13, 09:09 AM   #82
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Here is an article about UV lighting. It is mostly aimed at turtles but it explains what UV actually does and what happens when an animal doesn't get what it needs.

Articles: ATP's Guide to UV-B Lighting
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Old 06-14-13, 12:44 PM   #83
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

While its true that ball pythons are nocturnal, they are not exclusively so. In the wild you will still see balls coming out sometimes to bask. Since the temperatures at which they digest do not make this absolutely necessary, there seems to be something to the fact that this might be related to the light instead. Reptiles do seem to instinctively bask more when their blood Vit D metabolite levels are low, so it is very likely that this could be the case for such exposed basking in the wild. By not having a UV light, you are again taking away an option that they might need. Not saying they absolutely need it, but rather that by not having it you are reducing the options open to them. I have read enough articles about animals that supposedly didnt need UVB and the improvements in health that is not visible as a result to have now changed all my enclosures to having a UVB light. Just because you cant see it, doesnt mean it isnt having an effect. Another thing to consider is that rodents are not the most amazing source of Vit D either...

As for hurting its eyes, that shouldnt be a problem. As long as it has hides to escape the light when it wants, and as long as the light is placed correctly, then there is no need to worry about eye issues. Those problems happen when the light is too close, or when it is placed on the side of the enclosure instead of on top. Animals are adapted to dealing with the sun, so a light placed in the same position is not going to be a problem.

I agree with Wayne though that if your ball is moving all the time, its a possible indicator that it is not feeling secure enough. They usually do this when you move them to a new home, or dont have enough hides, or its too warm, etc. Even youngsters should settle down for most of the day.
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Old 06-14-13, 02:55 PM   #84
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Originally Posted by jarich View Post
While its true that ball pythons are nocturnal, they are not exclusively so. In the wild you will still see balls coming out sometimes to bask. Since the temperatures at which they digest do not make this absolutely necessary, there seems to be something to the fact that this might be related to the light instead. Reptiles do seem to instinctively bask more when their blood Vit D metabolite levels are low, so it is very likely that this could be the case for such exposed basking in the wild. By not having a UV light, you are again taking away an option that they might need. Not saying they absolutely need it, but rather that by not having it you are reducing the options open to them. I have read enough articles about animals that supposedly didnt need UVB and the improvements in health that is not visible as a result to have now changed all my enclosures to having a UVB light. Just because you cant see it, doesnt mean it isnt having an effect. Another thing to consider is that rodents are not the most amazing source of Vit D either...

As for hurting its eyes, that shouldnt be a problem. As long as it has hides to escape the light when it wants, and as long as the light is placed correctly, then there is no need to worry about eye issues. Those problems happen when the light is too close, or when it is placed on the side of the enclosure instead of on top. Animals are adapted to dealing with the sun, so a light placed in the same position is not going to be a problem.

I agree with Wayne though that if your ball is moving all the time, its a possible indicator that it is not feeling secure enough. They usually do this when you move them to a new home, or dont have enough hides, or its too warm, etc. Even youngsters should settle down for most of the day.
Well, I did switch enclosures recently but he's got two hides, one side is 85-90 degrees, the other is about 70-75 degrees. So I don't think it's that.
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Old 06-14-13, 04:36 PM   #85
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
Here is an article about UV lighting. It is mostly aimed at turtles but it explains what UV actually does and what happens when an animal doesn't get what it needs.

Articles: ATP's Guide to UV-B Lighting

Thanks for that

Excellent thread guys.
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Old 06-14-13, 06:01 PM   #86
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Originally Posted by Evolieno View Post
Not to mention, new reptile owners don't always realize the adhesive used to stick them to the inside of the enclosure doesn't stick well to glass, etc. Especially when the reptile requires humidity. However, it does unfortunately stick TOO well to a reptile's scales. I found that out the hard way with my first snake years ago and all too common. It can be a pain To remove from the reptile, and depending on how severe the damage is, aid in or cause scale rot. I was so scared when this happened to me, and it had never crossed my mind when I purchased them back then! I felt so terrible that I had to learn this the hard way and seemed like even after all the research I had done for my snake, that I was a terrible owner.
Anything stuck to the glass in my tank I have to pry off with my nails very carefully under hot water over the course of several minutes..... I thoroughly washed and picked the tank clean and customized it for my snake and I have no issues with anything brought up about glass tanks. Granted humidity suffers from the heat bulb but periodic misting and a plastic cover over the other half of the screen lid fixes that.

I definitely plan on a nicer, acrylic tank that I can spoil my snake with but while she's a baby the tank I have is great. I watch the humidity and temps like a hawk and always will. The best thing for any pet owner is vigilance because even if one makes a mistake, knowing is half the battle. The other half is taking responsibility to address any problems.
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Old 07-02-13, 10:52 PM   #87
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

good stuff, thanks for the info!
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Old 09-08-13, 04:30 PM   #88
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

Thank you for the post I was unaware of the problem with heat rocks I threw mine in the trash this morning.
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Old 09-10-13, 11:53 PM   #89
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

I use a glass enclosure but being a former refrigeration and heating guy I did quite a few modifications to it. It has locking lids. R24 insulation covers most of the exterior glass (its not fiberglass its doubled up bubble wrap with appropriate spacers) ((as I have it I would guess is the enclosure has around an R40 value)) it keeps up to 80% humidity and now that I changed the light arrangement it keeps his basking spot 130 and the cool side sits between 75 and 80. I have (as of yesterday when I cleaned the cage) 14 inches of eco earth lining the bottom. etc. With the scoopers I made out of sheet-metal I have no problem clearing and cleaning the enclosure. Takes longer to soak the eco-earth than it does to clean the cage.
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Old 11-12-13, 12:57 PM   #90
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Re: Dangerous pet products that should never be used for pets

I have heard on numerous occasions that cedar bedding is toxic to reptiles. But I recently started thinking about the food items that they ingest on a regular basis almost always lives in cedar bedding. It is not a substrate that I use for my pets but the local pet store does. I've not known any problems with them at all although the mice and rats bury themselves in it and must certainly have it in their fur and skin. Just curious, Hmmmm?
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