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Old 06-08-13, 12:33 PM   #1
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The other side of things

I saw this on another forum. I asked for permission to re-post the entire thing here as I think it's a good idea for those who consider breeding to be all rainbows and sunshine to see the other side.

I give this breeder quite a lot of respect for his full disclosure as many big breeders do not.

"I like to show all sides of my breedings and it's of course not always good. So here's how my season has started so far....

Start with clutch #1, Mojave x Phantom Spider, Black Head and Pastel Coral Glow

Three eggs, 2.1 Normals

Then we have clutch #2, Spider x phantom spider & pastel CG

Three of the eggs were infertile so they rotted and then this is what came out of the one surviving egg

Warning: A bit graphic

It never made it out of the egg and was already dead when I got him out.

I hope it's all up hill from here, but I am well aware that these things happen and you win some and lose some. Just gotta make sure I keep swinging."

This was posted by Raphy Martinez of

All pictures and wording within the quotes are his and he has given me written permission to post it here.
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Old 06-08-13, 01:45 PM   #2
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Re: The other side of things

Glad to see this posted here. The more people that see it the better. is offline  
Old 06-08-13, 03:00 PM   #3
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: The other side of things

Yup my season is shot to hell too. I have a not gravid boa and a bunch of carpet slugs. Everything was normal and I followed all the advice I got. But sometimes it just doesn't happen. Oh well. Next year I will have different pairings so we shall see.
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Old 06-08-13, 03:57 PM   #4
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Re: The other side of things

... Poor baby :[

Thanks for posting.
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Old 06-08-13, 04:20 PM   #5
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Re: The other side of things

I have some to put up as well..... gotta dig them up.
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Old 06-10-13, 07:10 PM   #6
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Re: The other side of things

Dead baby animals aren't ever pleasant. Thanks for sharing.
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Old 06-11-13, 04:37 PM   #7
Gregg M
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Re: The other side of things

Not so sound like a jerk or anything but if husbandry is on point and your incubation is good, these problems are a very rare thing. Out of hundreds of snaksx hatched over the last 3 seasons I have seen less than a half dozen situations where I had to euthanize a hatchling.
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Old 06-11-13, 05:06 PM   #8
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Re: The other side of things

Originally Posted by Gregg M View Post
Not so sound like a jerk or anything but if husbandry is on point and your incubation is good, these problems are a very rare thing. Out of hundreds of snaksx hatched over the last 3 seasons I have seen less than a half dozen situations where I had to euthanize a hatchling.
Mostly true.

It shouldn't occur to anyone on any kind of regular basis.

I posted this to show that not everything works out the way you think it will. Be it bad eggs, babies dead at almost full term in eggs or really bad morph and sex ratio odds. This stuff happens and every new person needs to realize it.

Strictly speaking ball pythons, people need to know your snakes aren't going to be breeding in a year or 2. More like 3 and you won't get all the combos you think you'll get.
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Old 06-12-13, 05:07 AM   #9
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Re: The other side of things

Originally Posted by Gregg M View Post
Not so sound like a jerk or anything but if husbandry is on point and your incubation is good, these problems are a very rare thing. Out of hundreds of snaksx hatched over the last 3 seasons I have seen less than a half dozen situations where I had to euthanize a hatchling.
I also don't want to sound like a jerk but I don't recall anyone saying this was a regular occurrence. Just wanted to show that it does happen so that if it happens to someone that's new to the hobby they don't get discouraged.
This is the first time i've had it happen in 6 years of breeding. is offline  
Old 06-12-13, 06:10 AM   #10
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Re: The other side of things

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I also don't want to sound like a jerk but I don't recall anyone saying this was a regular occurrence. Just wanted to show that it does happen so that if it happens to someone that's new to the hobby they don't get discouraged.
This is the first time i've had it happen in 6 years of breeding.

I don't think he meant that directed at you MA. Just for those reading, not to be discouraged completely expecting this in every clutch.
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Old 06-13-13, 09:19 PM   #11
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Re: The other side of things

Thank you for the post. Nature is not perfect, and neither are we. Sometimes things go wrong even when we don't make a mistake.
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Old 06-14-13, 08:05 PM   #12
Gregg M
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Re: The other side of things

Originally Posted by View Post
I also don't want to sound like a jerk but I don't recall anyone saying this was a regular occurrence. Just wanted to show that it does happen so that if it happens to someone that's new to the hobby they don't get discouraged.
This is the first time i've had it happen in 6 years of breeding.
No one said it was a regular occurrence. I was just making sure that people know it is not at all common. That's all. I was not trying to take away from the post at all. It is true that breeding reptiles is not without some issues down the line, but many of the problems are avoidable with proper husbandry and incubation. And the good that happens far outweighs the bad. If someone gets discouraged because of a deformed hatchling or 5, they are most likely not cut out for the breeding part of the hobby and might be better off getting discouraged.
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