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Old 06-01-13, 07:07 PM   #1
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Help me!!!!!!!!

So im baby sitting my boyfriends sav monitor, he's a little over a year now, still kind of small, name is teegar....

Well today i had him in the tub to feed him his crickets(fed him crickets and pinkie yesterday) and when he was done eating i set him down and started to run a bath (i did the exact same thing yesterday) once the water was good i look down, he's gone, i look behind me and see him by the door, i scared him, he hissed and tried to bite me(he's not a huge fan of me)
i moved my hand away and before i knew it he took off under the the bathroom vanity over hang thing, i managed to grab him by the the tail but i let his tail go cause i wasnt sure if they could lose(de glove,as it was worded for rats) it's tail. and he found a hole going up into the vanity thing, and the hole was in NOT going into the cupboards. i tried banging on the side panel that he's behind to scare him out(FAILED) and than my mom told me to stop, i was planning on destroying the panel and getting him out, but thats a no go cause my mom would kill me, i remembered they like eggs(he's never had one) so i boiled one, and cooked one, i put the cooked one infront of the hole he got in,and in the back where he can get out from there too. well this all happened around 11, its now 8 i havent heard him hiss or crawl around, i put a plastic thing around in the holes to see if i could push him out, but i couldnt feel him, and than i read that underneath some vanities that THERE'S A HOLE! and now im freaking out and crying and i dont know what to do!! please help my poor teegar-sitting self.
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Old 06-01-13, 10:45 PM   #2
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

I hate to say it.. Savannah Monitors are excellent burrowers, and just like a rat, they can fit into some really small holes.

All you can do is try and lure it out with food.
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Old 06-01-13, 11:15 PM   #3
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

Okay so is the hole on the floor? It could be hiding underneath the toekick of the vanity or it could have gotten into the wall through the plumbing rough in... this vanity has a sink obviously? Any pica of the vanity? I could most likely tell you where he is in there.
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Old 06-02-13, 06:40 AM   #4
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

i think your mom might rather have a back-panel of a vanity ruined than a savanah monitor loose in the house?
Best of luck, keep us updated?
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Old 06-02-13, 08:08 AM   #5
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Starbuck View Post
i think your mom might rather have a back-panel of a vanity ruined than a savanah monitor loose in the house?
Best of luck, keep us updated?
It's funny but also true. You can either take the vanity apart and have it fixed, or let it be and have a savannah monitor roaming the walls of your house lol.
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Old 06-02-13, 09:31 AM   #6
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

point out to your mum that the stench for months of end of a dead monitor lizard, is a significantly more disturbing experience than spending a few days with her decor messed up. not to mention that this isnt just a lizard, its loved pet - she'll understand, an if she doesnt then shes not nice sorry i know its ur mum, but

sorry to hear he escaped, hopefully he'll find his way out and get back to the rooms he knows, does he roam about the house much? or does he have a specific room he's allowed to roam about in....if so, setup a heat pad in his favorite spot, he's soon going to want a nice hot place to relax on, leave the lights on aswell all the way between the hole and his home, maybe find a laundry basket, and keep it close by, if you see him poke his head out, dont move, not a muscle, be totally silent till he gets his confidence, he might come out, and when he's close enough for you to be sure you can put the basket on him, catch him! - you may have to sit on the floor for an hour, or more, get sum (quiet) snacks to eat while u wait

what kind of building do you live in? what kind of enviroment, i mean where in the country, what are average outdoor tempretures, what kind walls do you have, is it a concrete block of apartments or wood built or brick built house, does it have a cellar, are the walls hollowm and do they open up down in the basement, etc etc

Last edited by infernalis; 06-02-13 at 11:36 AM..
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Old 06-02-13, 09:39 AM   #7
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

also by this point it is worth checking your local Vets, animal shelters, etc, if he's been spotted and you dont live in mid africa, you can be sure that someone has called the authorities and he'l have been picked up
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Old 06-02-13, 10:01 AM   #8
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

take a picture of the vanity hole for us. If your bathroom was built correctly, he will be in the wall. They can climb, but he should be in a 2x4 box. Is it possible to get access from a closet from the other side? If you can remove a piece a sheetrock it is a very easy fix and will cost about $15 in material.
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Old 06-02-13, 10:38 AM   #9
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

i agree with franks, your wall framed should be 16" apart with 2x4 studs meaning he is literally trapped in a box! Honestly you could cut a hole in the drywall that is tiny where you could stick a cellphone or something to take picture up a down and see if he is in there! IT shouldnt cost you a penny actually if you make a small hole because you can go to a local hardware store and ask if the just have small scraps of drywall! Just put some backing, mud it and paint! Brand new wall! This would be a lot easier then pulling out a stinky rotting carcass, hopefully your mom comes around!
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Old 06-02-13, 01:55 PM   #10
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by formica View Post
point out to your mum that the stench for months of end of a dead monitor lizard, is a significantly more disturbing experience than spending a few days with her decor messed up. not to mention that this isnt just a lizard, its loved pet - she'll understand, an if she doesnt then shes not nice sorry i know its ur mum, but

sorry to hear he escaped, hopefully he'll find his way out and get back to the rooms he knows, does he roam about the house much? or does he have a specific room he's allowed to roam about in....if so, setup a heat pad in his favorite spot, he's soon going to want a nice hot place to relax on, leave the lights on aswell all the way between the hole and his home, maybe find a laundry basket, and keep it close by, if you see him poke his head out, dont move, not a muscle, be totally silent till he gets his confidence, he might come out, and when he's close enough for you to be sure you can put the basket on him, catch him! - you may have to sit on the floor for an hour, or more, get sum (quiet) snacks to eat while u wait

what kind of building do you live in? what kind of enviroment, i mean where in the country, what are average outdoor tempretures, what kind walls do you have, is it a concrete block of apartments or wood built or brick built house, does it have a cellar, are the walls hollowm and do they open up down in the basement, etc etc
to whomever felt the need to remove the four stars from my post, sorry, but 'not nice' does not even come close to how I feel about someone who puts their decor above the life of any living creature. I did not swear, ur forum didnt change any words for stars. I was polite, and put stars myself. I wouldnt be half so polite in real life can assure u
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Old 06-02-13, 03:44 PM   #11
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by formica View Post
to whomever felt the need to remove the four stars from my post, sorry, but 'not nice' does not even come close to how I feel about someone who puts their decor above the life of any living creature. I did not swear, ur forum didnt change any words for stars. I was polite, and put stars myself. I wouldnt be half so polite in real life can assure u
Agreed she should be more worried about the creature but still it someone's mom no need to "swear", I know your intentions where good but still.
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Old 06-02-13, 05:38 PM   #12
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Bloutitt View Post
Agreed she should be more worried about the creature but still it someone's mom no need to "swear", I know your intentions where good but still.
i didnt swear, i left the interpretation open to all to use whatever word they felt appropriate, i used stars, no swears. and i will try to be more polite in future...but this kind of thing infuriates me, i'd tare my house down if i thought it would save any of my pets
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Old 06-02-13, 08:11 PM   #13
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by formica View Post
i didnt swear, i left the interpretation open to all to use whatever word they felt appropriate, i used stars, no swears. and i will try to be more polite in future...but this kind of thing infuriates me, i'd tare my house down if i thought it would save any of my pets
I agree with you 100% my house would have been ripped apart!

To the OP did you find it yet?
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Old 06-03-13, 07:26 PM   #14
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Re: Help me!!!!!!!!

Any luck? What happened?
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