So heres what i ended up doing... My Mom came over and gave me some parts from a drip system for gardens. So I got a 1 liter coke bottle, drilled a small hole near the bottom, then pushed a small plastic T connector through, I filled in one side of the T connector,then i attached a 1/4" hose to the side that wasnt filled. At the end of the hose i put a dripper.
Ill get some pics up soon.It works very well and sometimes the chameleon just drinks straight from of the funniest things ive seen it do!
Pete and Jess share their home with -
0.1 Suriname Redtail Boa,1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas, 1.0 Ball Python, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 2.2 Bearded Dragons, 0.1 Veiled Chameleon, 0.1 Leopard Gecko, 0.1 Smooth sided toad.