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Old 02-12-03, 07:27 PM   #1
Lovely Monica
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Thumbs up Port Credit Pet Center!!!!!

We were just recently in the Toronto Area this past weekend for the reptile show in Missisaugua. The friday prior to the show we got to visit Port credit pet center and I must say I was extremely impressed with the awsome selection Grant had, mind yeah most of the animals were being packed for the show but still he had an awsome selection still in his store. We must have seen at least 6 different species of monitors. Almost every species of north american colubrids that you can think of, including different morphs of selected species. I recall recently there was a heated discussion regarding this particular store but to be honest, I saw nothing wrong with this establishment. The cages were all so clean and well kept. But this not what cause me to begin this post. It was the selection of different reptiles. I was so impressed with the large selection. For the average person who has really not had that much experience with herps, it would be a truly enlightening experience to walk in the doors of Port Credit pets. no where else will you find so many different species of reptiles and amphibians. I seen at least 10 species of pine and bull snakes, and almost every form of kingsnakes and Milk snakes. For a person who is an avid collector, Grants store is the one stop shopping super store when it comes to herps. you could go in there and start a really nice collection of different colubrids. or even pythons or boa's. I was most impressed with the colubrids because he had them in all shape and sizes, from babies to adults. It was just awsome, we spent hours looking around and had to vsit the place two days in a row just admiring all the beautiful animals. I just wanna say, Thanx grant. if someone is looking to experience al the many different species of herps and can only see them in books or on the interent, well I recomend that they take a trip to Port Credit pets. Its like spending a day at a zoo but better, no admission fees!!!!!! and just all herps!!!! keep smiling!!!

Monica and Mike

Last edited by Lovely Monica; 02-12-03 at 07:30 PM..
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Old 02-12-03, 07:45 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul-2002
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sounds awesome. but it's in canada... rite??
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Old 02-12-03, 07:47 PM   #3
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I agree, I went last month and it was great!! I have to admit though, I was really grossed out by the enormous spider that Grant said could eat a bird. EWWWWWWWWW!! lol. My cousin's boyfriend was fasinated by it though!! It was a nice clean place and so many reptiles to see, I'm sure I must have missed some. lol. Grant needs to get a bigger store. We were looking for a blue tongue and one of his workers said in the middle eilse. We went to one middle eilse but there were two. lol and we were in the wrong one. Small place but bigger than it looks. I definately want to go back!! And Grant was very nice, and I got lots of supplies! Too bad he wouldn't expand and open another store closer to me. Hint, hint. lol
Herps are like pringles, you can't stop at just one.
'believe me I know!!'
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Old 02-12-03, 07:55 PM   #4
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cool, wish i could go to a show and check out PCPC's selection.
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