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Old 04-24-12, 07:58 AM   #106
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
Thanks Moe for showing me I am not getting my point across.

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Old 04-24-12, 08:04 AM   #107
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

I sent him an email, I will let you know when he gets back to me.
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Old 04-24-12, 08:05 AM   #108
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Thank you...
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Old 04-24-12, 03:49 PM   #109
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

I want more dubias....mine are doing well but they're all still nymphs. I'd like a PM too : )
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Old 04-24-12, 05:36 PM   #110
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

I want more dubias....mine are doing well but they're all still nymphs. I'd like a PM too : )
Probably be much easier for you to find some in America rather than trying to get them to you from here. They are legal in the states, here it is more of a black market thing
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Old 04-24-12, 05:54 PM   #111
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Originally Posted by jaleely View Post
I want more dubias....mine are doing well but they're all still nymphs. I'd like a PM too : )

Click on the Blaptica Dubia link at my site. There is a dealer who sells them very reasonably.
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Old 04-24-12, 11:08 PM   #112
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Originally Posted by SpOoKy View Post
Roaches are actually very easy to come by in Canada and are advertised openly on RC. I can place an order today and have 100 at my door step tomorrow or the next day.
This is so nice to know haha. I spent so long looking for dubias, yet never looked at RC. Could you let me know who it is selling them as well if it's no trouble?
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Old 04-24-12, 11:32 PM   #113
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

haha for some reason i was thinking it was US. Sleepy!

infernales, i should have just bought from there from the beginning. I think i thought they were too expensive, so i went with some place random. It was a good price, like 30 bucks for 100 or something, but none of them are adults!
I always learn the hard way : )
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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Old 04-25-12, 02:58 PM   #114
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

He hasn't got back to me yet but yes I will inform all who are wondering when I find out
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Old 04-26-12, 07:59 AM   #115
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Ok, so go to Kijiji and look up crayfish. There is a guy in southern Ontario selling the blue ones, 20 for $25. You would have to get him to ship to you of course, which would cost you another $20 or so probably. So for around $50, you would have 20 crayfish. Thats a good price! Feed around 14 of those and keep the other 6 for breeding in a 10-20 gallon tank. (you should be able to find one of those for cheap, say $20) It takes around a month for them to breed, and they are cheap to feed.

Im not saying you necessarily need to stop feeding rodents, but crayfish are superior as a food item. The overall calcium levels are higher, the Ca:P ratio is wayyyyyyyy better, and they are a better source of moisture as well. I would recommend this over shrimp also, especially if you are comparing crayfish to shrimp tails. Feeding just the tails of crustaceans without the shells and legs greatly reduces the calcium levels and greatly increases the phosphorous, which is the opposite of what you want. There is also less salt in freshwater crayfish than shrimp.

The other thing I meant to ask is, are you gutloading your crickets? What are you feeding them? I cant stress the importance of that enough. Crickets are pretty useless nutritionally if you just bring them home from the pet store and feed them straight away. They need at least 24 hours with a good high calcium vegetable food source before feeding them to Cassie. The same needs to be true for the dubia and your earthworms need to be fed properly too. If you are feeding the prey items very well then the variety isnt as important.
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Old 04-26-12, 09:20 AM   #116
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Well I was feeding them patato... But I switched to collard greens. I bought 12 minnows so I'm about to feed them to her!
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