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Old 03-19-12, 02:05 PM   #1
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Analog vs Digital

I thought it might be interesting to discuss digital vs analog readers like hygrometers and thermometers after reading another thread. I think the general consensus is that people all recommend using digital across the board. However, I sometimes feel like this is a blanket that might not be justified. Im not hoping to confuse the issue for new keepers, but as money is tight for a lot of them I think its also important to keep context in mind.

I am not quoting any scientific studies here, but from my own personal experience I do not find cheap digital to be any more accurate than cheap analog. I have had my cheap analog units be wrong and I have had my cheap digital ones go bad too. This seems especially true of hygrometers, where numerous digital ones have simply given out entirely and no longer take any readings at all, while the analog ones will eventually wear out and go way way off.

So if you are only going to go and buy a cheap digital hygrometer for $15, I dont know that I would expect it to last any longer or really be much better than the $10 analog one you get at the pet store. Case in point, here is a picture of an old $10 analog, and a $40 digital

I have had the analog for a couple years, and it has checked out against every digital one I have purchase since. Having said that, I also have a $6 analog that reads consistently 5% too low, and one that reads about 4% too high. In the last year Ive thrown out three digital and one analog that all called it quits by either not giving any measurement at all or just being so grossly off that it was obviously done for.

Also, there are animals and certain situations where exact accuracy is not really called for. I have an analog hygrometer in my bearded dragon tank. Its more to make sure the humidity doesnt get too high, so Im not overly concerned about whether its 5% off or not. Same with the tank that houses my Cali King. I know that the analog hygrometer in there is not really a big deal as Kings have a good ability to deal with about a 20% range of humidity (40-60%). However, I have my most expensive and accurate hygrometers in the green tree python and monitor cages as they are much more particular animals who require select environments to thrive.

And yes, when I say my most accurate and expensive I do mean digital. Analog units are usually based on hair or fiber, so cant really be too expensive, that Im aware of. However, those expensive and accurate digital units require periodic checks as they can go out over time too. Its not simply a matter of taking it out of the box, trusting it to be totally accurate and then never checking it again. Many of them come out of the box uncalibrated, so are not going to give an accurate reading either. Check out reviews of the hygrometers on Amazon and youll see what I mean. Those of you with cigar humidors will know what im talking about.

I guess what Im saying is, dont think that just because its digital, its automatically accurate or better. This, like most things, is one of those situations where you get what you pay for. Cheap is cheap, whether it be digital or analog. So the question is, do you need high accuracy? If not, I dont see why analog cant work for certain animals/habitats. If you do, then be prepared to fork out a bit of extra money and time (calibration) in getting a good digital one.

What does everyone else think? What are your experiences personally?
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Old 03-19-12, 05:56 PM   #2
Uncle Brady
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Re: Analog vs Digital

Hmmm I really love digital! Mine is off right now tho!
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Old 03-19-12, 06:03 PM   #3
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Re: Analog vs Digital

Next time I visit my local pet stores I'll take pics... all analog hygrometers sitting there, each with a different reading. I one point I had 3 analog hygrometers, and 3 digital ones. The 3 digital ones were all within 1% of each other, and the 3 analog ones were all over the place. Hence why I always suggest switching to a digital. They're just more likely to be accurate than the analog ones. The Zilla brand you posted a photo of is more reliable than the Petco brand too
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Old 03-19-12, 06:12 PM   #4
red ink
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Re: Analog vs Digital

Depends what I'm using it for... incubation, definitely the most accurate I can get. Everything else, analougue does fine for me. Analougues tend to breakdown less, I don't have to worry bout batteries either - even my display enclosures have analouge thermostats. I have never known any captive specimen to get sick or die from a 5-10% varriance in readings whether it be temperature or humidity... they simply move to where their comfortable.
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Old 04-09-12, 02:40 PM   #5
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Re: Analog vs Digital

Can analog meters for temp and humidity be calibrated? I see what looks like a insert for a flat head screw driver on the back directly behind the needle on the back side of the gauge. I will attemp to mess with it but i need to find anotherr source to messure the heat before i do it. My G-shock says its 75 when the temp gauge in the cage reads 83?.

I know the watch is not that accurate which is calibrated with a 4 degree diff to the outside temp.

Reason for my confusion is that when the analoge reads 85 degrees feels more like 75-78?
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