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Old 01-24-03, 08:43 PM   #16
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kathy, although that makes sense, it isnt the case.
I had a talk with the guy I bought her from, and he said, yes she was bred intentionally
The reason he sold her was because he was moving and wanted to sell all his corns (I bought 6 others at the same time) and he didnt want to wait for her to drop....he said he wasnt even sure she was gravid

I couldnt believe that anyone would breed a corn at that size, but he said he though she was a fine size, so he went ahead and paired her with a male.
We had a bit of an argument

I know its stupid, but she was bred on purpose...I heard it from the horses mouth!
Matt Rudisi
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Old 01-24-03, 09:15 PM   #17
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egg-binding & death

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your corn.

Somehow, I'm wondering whether your snake's death could have been avoided at your end. (Obviously, you had no control over what happened before you got her.)

A couple of years ago, my speckled kingsnake got eggbound. Even though she had not been bred, she ovulated anyway. When the time came, she tried to lay her eggs but couldn't. The problem was the first egg that was much too big to pass. So I took her to my vet. He took a seringe, went through the skin and the egg shell and sucked out half the liquid of the first egg, so that she could pass this egg as well as the remaining ones. I took her home, and true enough, she laid all her eggs without any problem. She's been fine ever since (and hasn't laid eggs again).

I just thought this was worth mentioning, in case it happens to someone else.
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Old 01-24-03, 10:06 PM   #18
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What a horrible person. Why would he rush the little beauty like that?
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Old 01-25-03, 08:39 AM   #19
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florance, i have never heard of a vet doing that, sounds like a good idea, something to kep in mind if it happens to anyone else.
thanks for the insight!
Matt Rudisi
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Old 01-25-03, 10:01 AM   #20
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Teenage" snakes are like teenage boys & they start having sex at the first chance they get. They cannot be trusted "alone" with young females.
We had a close call with that one. In complete ignorance, we kept a male and female together for the first year we had them, which would have made them about 15months old.

We actually caught them racing round the enclosure, and thought they were fighting - we realised in time and grabbed them out and separated them. The female hadn't quite been 'caught'!!!

And then I read up all about ideal size and eggbinding, etc. etc. etc. and went through a few weeks of agony realising that it might not have been the first time he did this!

The immediately got 'separate bedrooms', and everything was ok, she never became gravid, we were lucky.

This is the sort of thing that sellers often don't tell people - they will tell you how to breed them, if that's what you want to do, but they DON'T tell you how NOT to breed them!

Anyway, sorry for your loss, Matt. I would be absolutely desolate if that had happened to me.

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Old 01-25-03, 11:20 AM   #21
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Oxytosin can sometimes induce the laying in "egg bound" snakes too. I've heard of many that have used a syringe to remove the liquid and help the snake pass the shell. I have a corn that is less than 24" that was unintentionally bred while housed w/other young ones. Luckily, she did lay successfully. A small clutch of 6 that all hatched. I think they'll put so much energy into the eggs/laying that they lose a lot of "growing" time as well. Age of the animal MAY have something to do with it too.
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Old 01-25-03, 11:37 AM   #22
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Now that you mention it, I remember my vet injected my speckled king with something to induce the egg-laying (on top of sucking the liquid out), just to make sure she'd lay her eggs. However, I don't remember what he injected her with.

Thanks for adding this info to the thread.
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Old 01-25-03, 02:42 PM   #23
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Ive heard of oxytocin being used on snakes that have laid one or two eggs and havent laid the rest for a couple days, makes sense that it may help in egg bound snakes as well.

I this case however, her cloaca was so small compared to the eggs, i dont think it would have helped

would have been worth a try though, couldnt have gone much worse than it did!
Matt Rudisi
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Old 01-26-03, 04:02 PM   #24
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That's a shame, sorry for your loss but more importantly sorry for the corns the breeder still has. It's terrible that with the amount of resources online and in books that someone who calls themself a breeder doesn't care enough to look at basic husbandry information. Again, sorry for your loss.
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Old 01-26-03, 05:26 PM   #25
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Aspiration & eggbinding in older females

The proper term for the Vet procedure of "sucking the insides of the eggs out" is Aspiration. This procedure can only be performed successfully within the first week of eggbinding while the eggs are still soft enough to penetrate with a sirringe. You go through the snakes skin into the middle of the egg & suck the contents out. It is usually done to the egg closest to the vent & it never hurts to do one or 2 farther up depending on how many are "stuck" in the poor girl. This procedure combined with gentle handling & warm baths will hopefully help the snake pass all remaining eggs. If this doesn't work you can actually have the eggs surgically removed. Unfortunately snakes don't take to surgery very well & the specimen may not survive. It also costs approx. $200 - $300 & if it is successful the female will no longer be able to produce anyway. Surgery is a last effort attempt to save the snake's life & unfortunately most people cannot justify this finiancally so they let the snake die (not fun) or euthanize it (even less fun). Very sad, but true. I have lost one snake in the past & have had to have my Vet friend help me aspirate eggs on a few occassions (unfortunately, but successfully!). All my bad experiences have been with older female breeders. Most people think this only happens to young females, but older breeders are apt to eggbind also. I like many other breeders keep a large # of snakes in rubbermaid tubs & because I have so many, they don't always recv. much handling. These "old girls" can become lazy & "out of shape" as a result of this & even though they have always laid successfully in the past they may not be able to pass everthing as they get older. This in my opinion is a valid point on why older females should be retired & not "bred to death". It sucks to let an adult female who has been a great breeder go to someone as a pet, but it sucks much worse (especially for the snake!) to watch her eggbind & possibly die because you are TOO #@$%#$% GREEDY to admit that she is old & needs to be retired to "pet" status. I hope this will be a "wakeup call" to people out there & helps save some snakes despite peoples greed & general disrespect to their animals. Mark IsBell - GONE SNAKEE! P.S. Oxytosin (spelling?) is only effective within the first few days of eggbinding accordding to the Vets/breeders that I have discussed it with. M.I.
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Old 01-31-03, 08:19 AM   #26
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i hope a message has been put across to people who want to breed their snakes early
1.0 Normal corn snake, 0.1 Snow corn snake.
Lizzy xxx
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Old 01-31-03, 09:45 PM   #27
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that really sux she looked really good, not to be intruding but how much did you spend on her

my condolences
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Old 02-02-03, 07:17 PM   #28
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i got her as a group with about 5 other "adult" corns. But they ended up costing me about $100 each.
Rootbeers are available on some lists in the states and they typically sell for about $40-$50 as hatchlings.

I hope to get some rootbeer hatchlings next season if your interested....Im keeping my fingers crossed
Matt Rudisi
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Old 02-03-03, 08:38 AM   #29
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I am so sorry for your sad loss she was beautiful, it really is so unfair that something so beautiful has to loose their life just because of one uncaring/careless (whatever the case maybe) breeder............
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