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Old 12-27-11, 11:10 PM   #1
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Reptile Supplies

Where do you guys usually shop online for your supplies? Everything from water dishes, tongs, thermometers, flexwatt.....everything. I'm trying to find a good place to buy some more supplies online.

Also, where is everyone getting there f/t feeders? I didn't care for the last place I got mine because the bags busted when I put them in the freezer so I had to put the feeders in new freezer zip lock bags. Years ago I used Rodent Pro and was looking to see if anyone else can meet or beat the price and/or quality.

Thank you!
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Old 12-27-11, 11:20 PM   #2
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Re: Reptile Supplies

I get mine from a guy in our herp club locally and also they have great prices even with shipping figured in.
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Old 12-27-11, 11:45 PM   #3
Ridge Runner_20
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Re: Reptile Supplies

We have a local reptile shop that I like to support as much as possible, so I buy my feeders and many supplies from them. They breed their mouse/rat colonies onsite, so I know I'm getting fresh feeders. Their prices are not too bad, but like I said, they're real nice folks who've helped us alot, so they get our support.

For anything they don't carry, I do most of my shopping on I've found some amazing deals there, and many times without having to pay shipping! Case in point, I really wanted a certain thermostat for my boa's enclosure, but the best price I could find anywhere (eBay, online reptile suppliers, etc.) was nearly $20 more than what I paid on amazon. Check it out, but be careful, it's addicting!

RR_20 (Mike)
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Old 12-28-11, 12:51 AM   #4
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Re: Reptile Supplies

Rodent pro...... all the way.

For water bowls, I go to the dollar store, I buy aspen at wal mart for $3 a bag.

Whenever things are labeled "reptile supplies" the prices are way up.

Simple dog food bowls make great water dishes.

Also thrift stores, candy dishes, large ash trays, etc.. average about 50 cents each at a thrift store.
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Old 12-28-11, 03:46 AM   #5
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Re: Reptile Supplies

For supplies I shop around. I can get the timer outlet centers online for about 10.00 at Ebay, with shipping it's about 20.00- still cheaper than buying them at a store. I buy bulbs from Amazon. Crickets from Fluker Farms (0.02 each). Heating varies, I search for sales, usually about 3-4 hour search. Dubias from a guy in Texas, he is the cheapest and he is very nice.

And for feeders - Rodent Pro all the way. I have not found anyone that beats their prices or quality.
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Old 12-28-11, 09:11 AM   #6
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Re: Reptile Supplies

umm for some stuff I go to a local herp store the same where I buy my feeders and stuff for tanks like hides and stuff I make myself
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Old 12-28-11, 10:02 AM   #7
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Re: Reptile Supplies

I go to rodent pro. I buy my decorations at my local chain store because they buy alot of stuff from me so it's good business. As for substrate though I buy it at Canadian tire. 56 compressed liters ( not litre) of coco husk for 3 dollars!
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Old 12-28-11, 10:06 AM   #8
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Re: Reptile Supplies

For rodents, I usually try to buy them locally so I don't have to pay for shipping. The main online stores I use for reptile supplies are and
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Old 12-28-11, 10:11 AM   #9
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Re: Reptile Supplies

@ reptile 65
Can I ask what you pay for a large mouse?
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Old 12-28-11, 10:17 AM   #10
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Re: Reptile Supplies

I get my rodents from a local rat breeder, I also go to rodentpro. For flexwatt and stuff like that, I've always had really good experiences with I'm about to place another order with them here in the next week or so. Like Wayne said, the dollar store is a great place for water bowls, I also like to get all my fake plants and vines from the dollar store. Fake plants can be real pricey. For online stores for supplies, I would recommend reptilebasics and the bean farm. Good luck finding everything you need.
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Old 12-28-11, 01:07 PM   #11
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Re: Reptile Supplies

I usually get get bowls and hides from work, dollar stores, or Wal Mart. I'm looking to purchase a temp gun, scales that will be able to weigh my larger animals, flexwatt and other supplies I'm going to need for a rack, which is my main concern right now.

Thanks for the suggestions and keep 'em coming please. I'm hoping to get started on a rack in a couple of weeks
0.1.1 '11 Normal Royal Pythons 0.2 '11 Albino Burms 0.2 Rescue Dumeril's Boas (approx 4yrs old) 0.1 '11 Colombian Boa (BCI) 0.1 '11 Cali King 0.1.0 JCP 0.1 '12 borneo 1.0 rose hair T 1.0 cat 1.1 Kids 1.0 Boyfriend
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Old 12-28-11, 01:13 PM   #12
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Re: Reptile Supplies

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
@ reptile 65
Can I ask what you pay for a large mouse?
I get 50 adult mice for $25 at an expo
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Old 12-28-11, 01:16 PM   #13
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Re: Reptile Supplies

I get my frozen rats at expos, and hides water dishes etc at expos or local reptile stores
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Old 12-28-11, 01:41 PM   #14
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Re: Reptile Supplies

It works out to 28.50 per fifty shipped for me.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 12-28-11, 02:05 PM   #15
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Re: Reptile Supplies

I've been getting ratcicles at the expo. This time I'm mainly buying some hides, water bowls and bedding but I've bought feeding hemostats and a little cage hook there too. Good prices and save on shipping.

I've also bought some stuff at the local box pet store but their selection is small and their prices are high. Still, they're only 10 minutes away.

I bought the heat for my rack from Reptile Basics and couldn't have been more pleased. I'll definitely use them again. My shipment arrived two days after I placed the order online. And this was the week of Christmas.
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