try giving him some of the geckos favourite foods.... WAXWORMS, SILKWORMS, AND MEALWORMS! From what I have seen/heard, these are like crack for geckos! Also, my bearded was like that for a week or two (although it was 2 months after I got him that he started), so I brought him into my room (bit warmer than the garage
), and gave him a few roaches, and he gobbled them down! Hese back to his normal self, now... As for colours, that usually shows the wrong temps... Make sure the temp is 75-80 F, with a basking spot with 85-95, and night temps 70-75. This may be hard to acheive with such a big tank, and a 20-30 gallon might even be a better choice... If these are the exact temperatures, try raising or lowering them a tad.... ever lizard is unique
If he continues to show behaviour like this, take him to the vet a week or so... Humitity should be 75+%
Dan Conner