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Old 09-10-11, 06:13 PM   #31
Join Date: Nov-2010
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Re: Lrrr has passed away

Memorial video is up!

Sorry about the first part of the video... my voice was low because the camera was a little far away and I was trying to not burst into tears

I decided that I was going to put two songs on the video, ying and yang type idea I guess

The first song and its style is representative of our strong bond and connection even in death, and the second song represents the sadness, depression and pain you experience when you lose a pet

I even put a nice little message for Lrrr at the end of the video

Thanks again everybody... it was really hard for me to make this video, but after doing this video and giving him a proper burial, I feel a lot better
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Old 09-10-11, 08:51 PM   #32
slainte mhath
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Re: Lrrr has passed away

my condolances on your loss

cheers shaun
ALWAYS judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of NO POSSIBLE USE TO THEM !
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Old 09-10-11, 09:25 PM   #33
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Re: Lrrr has passed away

Im really sorry to hear of your loss, RIP Lrrr
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Old 09-11-11, 06:33 AM   #34
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Lrrr has passed away

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Old 09-12-11, 02:18 PM   #35
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Re: Lrrr has passed away

Originally Posted by Gungirl View Post
this sums up how im feeling very nicely

But on a happier note, my parents both agree I deserve another sav. They thought I wouldnt be able to handle or care for a big animal properly. I proved them wrong 2 times now, and a third is growing LOL

so I have earned it they say

The plan is, I'm going to buy a hatchling and QT him/her for 30 days. in that time I plan to do a fecal for parasites and take it from there.

I already have all the heat lamps and bulbs, all I need is a sterilite tub (im thinking at least 20 inches long, 8 - 12 inches wide and 5 - 7 inches tall), The dirt substrate (my backyard) and a hide or two and two thermometers.

with the sav thats only like 80 bucks (roughly)

so we'll see how that turns out. I would love to have another chance at monitors, this time with one I raise properly and KNOW its not been abused or neglected previously.

That would be amazing.. I'm really hoping it happens.

Thanks again everybody, I really appreciate all the support
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Old 09-12-11, 02:21 PM   #36
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Lrrr has passed away

Aww congrats! I'm happy that even though you had a very sad loss of a great pet that you are able to share your care and compassion with another animal!
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Old 09-12-11, 08:26 PM   #37
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Re: Lrrr has passed away

Awww, I'm so sorry about Lrrr, but I'm happy to hear you'll be getting a new friend to share you're love with. I'm sure it'll never equal up to Lrrr, but it soothes that pain of losing such an amazing friend. As they say, the best way to combat the loss of a loved pet is to get another. And, yes, that sounds a bit harsh, but it's the truth, and in our heart, we know it's not replacing them. We just want to keep sharing our love.~

PS: I forgot to mention, I saw his picture an I'm like,"Oh noooo! I'd remember that handsome little devil from anywhere!" 'Cause I remember a post you'd made of him a few months back and he was just soooo cute. <3 It makes it even sadder to learn he's passed. :c
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