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Old 01-15-03, 10:37 AM   #1
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What's your favourite "economy" reptile?

under $20, mine is the Long-tailed grass lizard(Tachydromus sexlineatus), I think these lizards make very interesting captives.

Please only choose ONE!!!

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Old 01-15-03, 11:05 AM   #2
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Since you took T. sexlineatus, I'd have to say Brown Anoles (A. sagrei).

The only reason I don't keep them right now is space. My tanks are all reserved. But it's only a matter of time....
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Old 01-15-03, 11:49 AM   #3
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żIs there really an economy reptile or animal for that matter?
Look at all the poor animals, hampsters, geckos, gerbils, snakes that are sold by pet stores as economy animals to people who do not realize that there are other costs and a lot of time required to give an animal the proper care. Costs: Caging, heating accessories, vitamin supplements, calcium supplements, cage decoration, substrate, food, UVB lighting. Time: cleaning cages, cleaning water dishes, handling the animals, and feeding the animals.
1.1 Columbian BCI, 1.2 Hog Island BCI, 1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python, 0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Children's Python, 1.1 Amazon Tree Boa, 1.1 Dumerils Boa, 1.0 Horned Mntn Dragon, 1.0 Carolina Anole
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Old 01-15-03, 11:56 AM   #4
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I totally see your point, but I think what we're talking about here are herps that are perhaps seen as a little less "glamourous" because they've been around a while, or have a lower dollar value placed on them.

The fact is, some herps are cheaper than others for whatever reason, but no less cool...and while it's lots of fun to discuss high end stuff, there's a lot to be said for some amazing species, which thankfully, don't cost an arm and a leg.

As for the value people place on animals...that's a sticky subject, and one I probably beat to death on other websites over the last couple of years, so I'm keeping my mouth shut.
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Old 01-15-03, 12:05 PM   #5
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Um, yeah... keeping with the topic... Do wc's count? If so, I pick Red Sided Garter Snakes for sure!

If wc's don't count, I can only really say Fire Belly Newts as that is the only herp I've kept that cost less than $20. I did snag a pair of normal corns for $25 each but I guess thay don't make the cut
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Old 01-15-03, 02:03 PM   #6
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I've never had anything under $20 -- but on the lower end of the scale, I'd say either red eye tree frogs, or everglades ratsnakes...
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Old 01-15-03, 04:17 PM   #7
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None of our snakes are under $20 here in canada, but price isn't a factor when whe purchase our pets.
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Old 01-15-03, 11:24 PM   #8
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hmm some normal balls can be pretty cheap.. and corn snakes!

ball pyhon 0.1.0
blood python 0.1.0
Iguana Iguana 0.1.0
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Old 01-16-03, 12:12 AM   #9
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Hey, i had around 20 treefrogs/3 firebelly's/ 5 Green Anoles/2 house gecko's/2 Grandis day gecko's/2 blue tailed skinks all housed in a very well setup 55/gal.

I actually paid 40 for the Grandis pair as juviniles (20 ea. ),and 2 of the frogs were Red-eye's which cost 25 ea so they dont count.Many other treefrog species under 20 though.

I must say though the cricket account was always high
__________________'s all a matter of perspective.
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Old 01-16-03, 02:09 AM   #10
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House geckos for $5 each... can't beat that!
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Old 01-16-03, 02:37 AM   #11
Jason Wakelin
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For my experiences in the last 20 years (+/-), I'd have to agree the most interesting inexpensive captive herp is Takydromus, or Grass Lizards. I've taken care of them 3 or 4 times now, and each time they were truly a pleasure.
Old 01-16-03, 03:26 AM   #12
Aztec Fred
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Cheap. inexpensive, thrifty, but not disposable

Blue Racers-Hands down the best economy reptile out there.DIRT cheap, eats easily available prey item(Easily available if your a 12 yr old boy that doesnt need to go to work and can catch lizards all day) and is *spirited*(Which mens hell bite the living be-jeezers outof you if your not carefull)

Actually...for $20 or less, a nice dark black ratsnake would dojust fine

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Old 01-16-03, 09:29 AM   #13
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Fire Bellied Toads!
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Old 01-16-03, 11:30 AM   #14
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Emerald Lizards very pretty, and pretty cheap
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Old 01-16-03, 01:42 PM   #15
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Jotun...what other names do those go by? By bf saw a lizard in Petsmart that was called Emerald something. He wanted me to look it up, but I can't remember the name. Tell me about these!
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