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Old 01-11-03, 09:56 AM   #1
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Angry 4 month since last meal....I WANT HIM TO FEED NOW

my BP took his last meal in mid september and it was a small mice . He is now 3 feet and a half and I need to get him to feed because he is getting skinny and im worried. I would like to know some tricks?!? The guy doesn`t want rats. I breed mice at home so its not a problem to supply what he likes. I tried rats before but he wanted mice again... I got the idea of leaving a dead mouse in his cage for the whole night. Would it be a good idea? I tried feeding him in the dark, outside his enclosure...nothing. When he does see the mouse, he just turn back and get back to sleep :P! Thx for the help


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Old 01-11-03, 10:02 AM   #2
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I would put him into a small rubbermaid and leave the dead mouse in there with him.

He should eat it by morning.

That is what I would try
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Old 01-11-03, 10:04 AM   #3
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Have you checked the temps of the enclosure? Are they with in range?
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Old 01-11-03, 10:14 AM   #4
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Can you define "skinny"? What I mean is do you know how much weight loss has occurred? When a ball goes into its winter fast there is often no "tricks" that will get to eat. If anything trying to force food on them may stress them out. I had a 0.1 LTC that would take her last meal in September and not eat again until June. She was 7rs old and healthy when I sold her to Don Patterson. I know have a male LTC that had his last meal on September 29th. At the time he was 860g and he is now 800g and has been since November. Unless your snake is losing a lot of weight just leave it be. This is normal behaviour for balls. I also have a CB male that does this too; it’s not just a WC problem.
Hope this helps,
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Old 01-12-03, 01:04 AM   #5
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Try putting your snake in a small container and leaving it in total darkness for 24 hours in a warm spot. Then quickly and gently as you can introduce a food item and leave it with the snake for a few hours, 4-8 hours. It's worked for me with finicky snakes in the past, I hope it will help you. I wouldn't worry too much in any case unless your snake was really skinny, it'll probably start eating again pretty soon. You could also try a gerbil.
Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!
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Old 01-12-03, 02:21 AM   #6
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I had a female ball go off feed for a year.. Yeah, a whole year!!. It was extremly stressful and i know what you're going through right now.. All i can say is be patient, it will pay off.. I tried her every two weeks and nothing would work.. One day i was feeding everyone else and i decided to thaw out a rat for her.. She didnt take it when i tried but i decided it was out already so i'll just leave it in there and see what happens.. 20 minutes later i noticed her moving around a lot and when i went and peeked in on her, she was down to just the tail of the rat!. Just take your time with your BP and don't put to much stress on it by trying to feed too often.. Leave the mouse in over night like you had mentioned and you may be suprised.. I know it can be nerve racking but you just have to be patient, when its ready, it WILL eat.. Good Luck and keep us posted!!..
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Old 01-12-03, 09:57 AM   #7
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And don't forget the record for a BP going with out food is 22 months. As long as the snake is healthy and has no parasites then I say just ride it out. If however you are looking for a great resource for information on tips and tricks then I highly recommend The Ball Python Manual. In my opinion, everyone with a ball should read this book.
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Old 01-12-03, 10:04 AM   #8
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hehe reminds me of what i am going thru..mine hasnt eaten for a little longer than yours..i think august....i was worried like he77 for the first part...but then all the tricks were tried, all the people on here helped me and supported me and taught me that its not the end of the world...and im still waiting on him to eat....but im not worried anymore..the day will come.....the day will come!
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Old 01-12-03, 11:10 AM   #9
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Just make sure there is plenty of fresh water for whenever your ball wants to drink I would put a little bit of liquid vatimine in the water as well just so you can sneak in some nutrition when the not hungry ball is not looking i would not worry too much you will see results in a while (end of march or april)
2 cents for what it is worth


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Old 01-12-03, 11:52 AM   #10
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I have heard people talk about the python manual before. What is the python manual? I am wanting to pick up more reading material for ball pythons.
Anyone know where I can find this "bible" in alberta, edmonton area?

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Old 01-12-03, 12:39 PM   #11
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The Ball Python Manual

Authors are: de Vosjoli, Klinfgenberg, Barker and Barker
Title: The Ball Python Manual
Publisher: The Herpetocultural Library

I got mine from Scotty’s Table off King Snake, AKA Scott Allen. I think he hangs out here too.
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Old 01-12-03, 01:22 PM   #12
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Ok thx for the help guys...
well I tried to leave a dead mouse yesterday in his cage. He did the usual: he roamed around, looked at it and went back to sleep. Well , I woke up this morning with the mouse still being there..beh :P
I hope, he start to eat again before this summer

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Old 01-12-03, 02:10 PM   #13
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Royal: you can pick up the BP Manual at superpet or any other major (and some minor) pet shops.. I'm sure Scotty has one kicking around and would be more then happy to help you out.. You could always PM him and ask him about it.. "FlatwoundScotty" is his name here on ssnakess..
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