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Old 05-11-11, 11:14 PM   #31
The Scorpion Whisperer
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Re: power feeding

Makes me wonder what made them think it was a good idea. We had tons of crickets, mice, and such since we had so many other reptiles. That is disappointing now since I thought a zoo would want what is best for their animals. Especially since this zoo (I refuse to name them) wasn't a private person's zoo but one that was a big zoo that was run by the city/state.

Now it makes me question their other feeding practices.
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

-1.0.0 Bearded Dragon-0.1.0 Western Hognose-0.2.0 Leopard Gecko-0.2.0 Dumbo Rat-
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Old 05-11-11, 11:16 PM   #32
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Re: power feeding

Originally Posted by NennaMeerkat View Post
Makes me wonder what made them think it was a good idea. We had tons of crickets, mice, and such since we had so many other reptiles. That is disappointing now since I thought a zoo would want what is best for their animals. Especially since this zoo (I refuse to name them) wasn't a private person's zoo but one that was a big zoo that was run by the city/state.

Now it makes me question their other feeding practices.
Happens a lot with herps in zoos. Happened to my zoo as well.

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Old 05-11-11, 11:16 PM   #33
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Re: power feeding

I think it was dead. two weeks and its washed away by all the new threads.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. -John Lennon
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Old 05-11-11, 11:19 PM   #34
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Re: power feeding

I want to assume, only because what I can remember from other feeding practices they did for the other reptiles, that they might have rescued the lizard with the best of intentions in mind but didn't know how to really deal with the species in general. Everything else they had was much smaller, bearded dragons and various geckos, or a snake.
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

-1.0.0 Bearded Dragon-0.1.0 Western Hognose-0.2.0 Leopard Gecko-0.2.0 Dumbo Rat-
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Old 05-11-11, 11:23 PM   #35
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Re: power feeding

Originally Posted by Reptile_Reptile View Post
I think it was dead. two weeks and its washed away by all the new threads.
It was like... the 10th topic on the list, not even second page..

Originally Posted by NennaMeerkat View Post
I want to assume, only because what I can remember from other feeding practices they did for the other reptiles, that they might have rescued the lizard with the best of intentions in mind but didn't know how to really deal with the species in general. Everything else they had was much smaller, bearded dragons and various geckos, or a snake.
95% of people who own a sav, don't know how to care for it.

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Old 05-11-11, 11:24 PM   #36
The Scorpion Whisperer
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Re: power feeding

Its really upsetting to think such a great lizard gets so mistreated...unintentionally. They are an awesome species! As much as I would love to have one I know I am not prepared in many of the most important aspects to have one. However I would love to hold one again one day and enjoy one's company like I did at the zoo.
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

-1.0.0 Bearded Dragon-0.1.0 Western Hognose-0.2.0 Leopard Gecko-0.2.0 Dumbo Rat-
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Old 05-11-11, 11:38 PM   #37
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Re: power feeding

Originally Posted by Millinex View Post
It was like... the 10th topic on the list, not even second page..

95% of people who own a sav, don't know how to care for it.

Yes, and the ones who are willing to learn I commend, the ones who stick their fingers in their ears and go "nananana can't hear you" piss me off.
"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?"
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Old 05-12-11, 12:38 AM   #38
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Re: power feeding

Originally Posted by Millinex View Post
It was like... the 10th topic on the list, not even
lol fine then.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. -John Lennon
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Old 05-14-11, 12:41 AM   #39
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Re: power feeding

I just hope you guy's don't think it's me with 2 accounts.
This (moe) guy you talk about gives me a bad name
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Old 05-14-11, 03:00 AM   #40
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Re: power feeding

Originally Posted by fflamingmoe View Post
I just hope you guy's don't think it's me with 2 accounts.
This (moe) guy you talk about gives me a bad name

No worries friend...

A. Shaw communications (Provider) Vernon

B. Cogeco Cable Company (Provider) North bay

Latitude and Longitude withheld - close but not close enough to worry about it.

so I can say it's certainly not coming from the same house.
"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?"
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Old 05-14-11, 01:49 PM   #41
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Re: power feeding

Thank god for IP's lol
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Old 07-06-11, 11:40 PM   #42
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Re: power feeding

I haven't been on this forum in ages, but something caught my eye that made me want to check out some of the posts here. This thread in particular. Thank you for this - It's hilarious.

What caught my eye and lead me here was the original poster of this thread starting a thread elsewhere, commenting on it. The title was "we're doomed" and the content was roughly that he couldn't understand why people here didn't want to accept his world view when it came to monitors. Moe (O.P. Moe, not fflamingmoe!), if you're still reading this forum, I have nothing against you and you're probably a nice guy (the part that isn't the spoiled child running off in a huff, anyway), but you're making the same mistake a lot of relative newbies make. You've been keeping monitors for, what, a year, maybe year and a half now? Your total belief system about monitors is based on reading the posts of other people that you have come to believe are the world experts because...well... because they keep telling you that they are, in every second post. You've adopted that obsequious attitude, typical of newbies, that see them as a demi-gods because you haven't been keeping monitors long enough to know better.

What's worse, you've automatically accepted their world view on science and, particularly, on monitor field biologists. I am willing to bet that you've never read a single paper on wild monitors, published in a recognised scientific journal, never mind met a field biologist that worked with monitors, in your life. That doesn't stop you from just knowing science is bad because, well, because someone told you so. I'm going to double that bet and add on to it that you've never seen a monitor in the wild in your life, either. But you just know what they eat and how they behave because someone (who doesn't live within tens of thousands of kilometres of a wild monitor) told you. Now you can't understand why other people will not accept your world view on monitors, given your...well, we can't really call it experience... maybe your 'experience' reading the rants of someone else.


You keep saying that you want people to keep an open mind, yet there is no one in the monitor-keeping world more closed minded than the sycophantic crowd of that 'other' forum you frequent. You immediately adopt their 'my way or the highway' attitude and can't understand why people don't follow suit.

Here's a suggestion: Maybe you should wait until you've actually achieved something before expecting people to follow your advice. Then you could offer genuine advice, based on first hand experience rather than on second hand, regurgitated guff. They may still choose not to accept it at face value, but that's their choice and at least then you'd really have tried. At the moment you're just one of a million online 'experts' that goes from forum to forum giving advice based on things you've read or heard, rather than from actual experience and, frankly (pun intended), there are already too many of those.

End of rant.

Wait, not quite:

In one thread you mentioned SteeveB (jobi):
Originally Posted by mo9e64 View Post
KS is a lot of BS,but Jobi and FR(Frank Retes) are there to bring sanity.
I almost had to change my shorts after reading that, I laughed so hard. You really are new to the forums, aren't you. Try this one day: ask Jobi which species of monitors he's bred and ask to see photos of hatching eggs (not forest dragons, but monitors. Ones he's bred, not just imported). If he insists on sending the images privately (as he will), via email, agree. Then keep the emails, because you'll get endless hours of entertainment reading them later, over and over. Try it and you'll see what I'm talking about, and once the emails start arriving re-read your above statement about either of those two bringing sanity (of all things!) to a forum and you'll understand why reading that statement almost made me have to change my shorts.
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