Ok for starters lets show that I am the big man and can appologize. I am sorry for my rack comment Rob. I saw your post of your snake enclosures and they are very nice. I can see you have very happy and well cared for babies. I must have assumed by some of your posts that you kept your snakes in racks. We both know what happens when we assume, so I will be the *** in this case.. I was having a very frustrating day yesterday and forgot to use my "mind to keyboard filter".
I would like to say though that I find it frustrating that on this site whenever I post anything as a new member. I get way more critique than anything. I have also seen it in other posts from people just trying their best and do right by their animals.
Take some time to get to know your new members. Me for instance. I am a life time aquarist and admitedly a fairly new herpist. I however have a guru who is a lifetime herpist and is conveiniently my room mate. She is also a member of a local rescue society. I am also becoming a member myself.
I have consulted her and done much studying on the web regarding this build and for a baby Water dragon, this is a very good enclosure and will likely serve its needs for up to a year or more. It has lots of plants appropriate for a dragon. a 7 gallon, live filtered water, area that a dragon up to 2 feet could easily submerge in. I will be adding climbing areas, more bamboo and plantings before she arrives.
For our bonded pair of beardies this summer I plan a very large enclosure. It will be 6 feet wide X 3 feet deep X 4 feet high at its highest point. I am planning a large safe climbing area in the back with lots of hang out places integrated in. There will be a nice water feature that gives them room to soak and a maze of stone hides.
I have another beardie who lives in a 4x3x4 home built enclosure. It is built from a wooden shipping crate. I am just now building a live water feature for her.
I have another of these crates in the garage and a line on more. I think one of them built into a nice Water Dragon enclosure would do nicely and one I have built for the "mean time" can be for another small semi aquatic reptile or baby.
I quite enjoy building and designing hides and enclosures and never procrastinate when it comes time for one of my babies to have a new enclosure.
We both take awesome care of our reptiles and always give them the best enviroment that stimulates their minds and is adequate to more than adequate in size.
All I was trying to do was showcase a nice enclosure, as all members are encouraged to do. I was not looking to be critiqued.
Just a thought.
I find the best way to critique and get away with it is to make a statement along these lines " Wow that is an awesome looking enclosure for a small or baby water dragon. Looks like you put alot of effort into it. It is a baby you are planning on putting in there? As it would be to small for a full grown Water Dragon as they will tend to snout rub in a small enclosure and will cause themselves great injury and harm. If it is for a baby then be prepared to get a larger enclosure in a year or so or consider a smaller semi aquatic reptile because it really is a great viv.
Pictures are of the rock and submerged ramp I have added to deal with the depth issue.
Originally Posted by Lankyrob
If you are going to argue a point then at least get your facts straight, none of my snakes have ever been kept in a rack, i dont like racks personally but they dont affect the snakes negatively as shown by snakes that live long lives, eating, shedding and breeding in racks.
In the post that i responded to there was a shaky possibility mentioned that you may build a bigger enclosure later not that you would provide the correct care for the life of the lizard. Your post could be read that if you cant be bothered the lizard will live in an inappropriate enclosure for life.
As for being positive, i dont know many more positive peoplethan myself. Just because someone speaks frankly and honestly doesnt make them negative.