Re: Can i have one PLEEEEEEEASSSSEEE!!!
I'd like to correct a few points in this thread, based upon my experience keeping many monitor species.
Most monitors, Savs especially, grow extremely fast, in order to survive they need to hit adult size fast. It's not unheard of to take a sav to almost adult size in 1 years time, and that is probably the main reason I never recommend a sav, nile, water, albig, etc to a first time keeper.
As for monitors being "tame". No monitor is ever tame. That is a huge problem in the herp community, is calling them "puppy dog tame he's so friendly omgawsh". Monitors are solitary predators. Can you gain trust and work with them? Absolutely, will you eventually have a time where something goes wrong and they grab you and take some flesh, you can bet your ***, and you have to be ready for it.
Monitors require a lot of time, space, and commitment. Even as a subadult, my male water monitor's cage takes up nearly half of my bedroom, and he's only around 4ish feet long right now (tail was damaged when I got him, so not sure how long he really is). They are great animals, probably the most amazing I've worked with hands down.