went well. this vet seemed alot more competant! the infection mostlikly has spread
hyprion might lose the tip of his tail. or maybe he caught it somwhere... its a bit red. athena is anemic
ive basicly been giving them pointless antibiotics for the past month or so.. the other vet didnt even teach me properly how to inject them so they were getting burns from the baytril. now, this time i hope everything goes well. they are on a 3 week treatment of somethging else,dont remeber the name right now lol. starts with a T
. she also gave me ointment for the burns, almost double the meds that i need incase i have to keep the treatment going, and a fully deatailed sheet on how to properly inject them. all of that for 1/4 of the price i paid at the other place!! i feel kinda realeaved.. i just hope that its all over soon and that my babies are healthy again!