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Old 01-16-11, 09:20 PM   #76
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

You take that back about jd lol I get my one day off today after working for 14 days straight, 12 hours a day minimum then work another solid 16 nightshifts before going home. Doesnt sound as fun now does it lol
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 01-16-11, 09:24 PM   #77
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Australia Minnesota Australia Minnesota.......Doesn't matter what we're dinkin mate as long as I am in Australia and warm, I'll drink it with you mate!
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 01-24-11, 09:06 AM   #78
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

This morning it was so cold out, the snow was crunchy, and my dogs were limping (probably because there paw pads were freezing)

Went to the store real quick and the suspension struts on my truck are froze up, makes for a bumpy ride.

The furnace has been running almost non stop..... I hate it.
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Old 02-10-11, 04:56 AM   #79
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

-23 degrees on my way home from work this morning. Things are looking up though, it's supposed to hit 40 this weekend. I'll be breaking out the shorts before you know it!
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 02-10-11, 06:49 AM   #80
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

wow! a lot of snow in your side of the world. i would want to see some but i think it is really bad in the long run...

i live in Philippines where the temps run around 28-32 Celsius.. humidity is more or less at a constant 65%...

it is actually perfect for my snakes as they no longer need any heating source what so ever.
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Old 02-10-11, 08:29 AM   #81
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Originally Posted by frost View Post
wow! a lot of snow in your side of the world. i would want to see some but i think it is really bad in the long run...

i live in Philippines where the temps run around 28-32 Celsius.. humidity is more or less at a constant 65%...

it is actually perfect for my snakes as they no longer need any heating source what so ever.

I envy you

Tropical climates are so nice.
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Old 02-10-11, 09:44 AM   #82
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

You know, I never see anyone from Kentucky around here. Real shame, but I'm real close to Ohio. Like, an hour away from the boarder. Actually going to be moving to Cincinnati, Ohio in the next few years.

Anyways, it's a pleasant 6F here and sunny. Yes, I said pleasant. Then again, I'm the freak that goes out in this weather in short sleeve shirts. LOL
Xybe - Baby Hypo Brazilian Rainbow Boa(M)
Ouro - Baby Albino Western Hognose (M)
Myra - Baby Jag x Coastal Carpet Python (F)
Ryu - Adult Leopard Gecko(M)
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Old 02-10-11, 11:48 AM   #83
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

I am in north Ohio... it was like negative 6 or so, I believe that was with NO wind chill... its cold as ****.... excuse my language.... lol.
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Old 02-10-11, 03:56 PM   #84
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Originally Posted by LiL_Boa View Post
I am in north Ohio... it was like negative 6 or so, I believe that was with NO wind chill... its cold as ****.... excuse my language.... lol.
As long as you bleeped, it's good in my eyes. Don't think any young ones would be able to figure it out easily. LOL

Anyways, wow, -6? That's freaky, 'cause it was like.. -4 up in Michigan.
Xybe - Baby Hypo Brazilian Rainbow Boa(M)
Ouro - Baby Albino Western Hognose (M)
Myra - Baby Jag x Coastal Carpet Python (F)
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Old 02-14-11, 01:25 PM   #85
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

40 degrees here the last couple days. I just can't wait for all of this nasty dirty snow to melt and the smells of spring to arrive!
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 02-14-11, 02:03 PM   #86
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Nice and warm here today
0.2 bci

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Old 02-14-11, 02:14 PM   #87
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Upper 40's all week and high of 63 Thursday. Which is why i am having my new snakes delivered on Thursday.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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Old 02-14-11, 03:02 PM   #88
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

I hope you all are going to be sending some of that warm weather up to your neighbours in the north!
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0-1-0 Chilean Rose Tarantula, 1-0-0 Abyssinian
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Old 02-14-11, 03:38 PM   #89
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

And to us over the water, still raining here!!
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Old 02-14-11, 04:28 PM   #90
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
And to us over the water, still raining here!!
Rain, at least it would melt the snow faster, were probably going to have now on the lawn till June, I'm sure
Here's a picture of my husband and he is 6 foot tall, taken a while back and we have even more snow now.
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1-1-3 Egyptian Sand Geckos, 0-0-1 Bearded Dragon
0-1-0 Chilean Rose Tarantula, 1-0-0 Abyssinian
0-1-0 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
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