Well yesterday started off the good trend when i got my JCP out and handled him for hte first time. Used a glove to get him out, although he turned out not to strike. He was showing all the signs tho so the glove gave me the confidence to be assertive rather than slightly on edge. Once out of the viv he was lovely just held onto me arm and had a good old sniff around.
Then this morning i came down to find not only had my GTP had his first poo (with us) he had also had his first shed with us!! 100% complete shed skin looped over his perch (tho i managed to rip it in two getting it out as he had somehow pinned it under his water bowl!!)
Happy days!!
May you have more good days than bad
You never know how strong you are - until being strong is your only choice
There are no dark clouds - just well hidden silver linings!!